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The Morrison and Hilary Renfrew Award

Donor Story:

My desire to implement this fund is based on several factors which have become increasingly significant at an accelerating rate:

  1. The progression of the development of Canada from a colonialist relationship with Indigenous nations, who seek a greater degree of self-sufficiency from the colonial model of the Canadian nation state.
  2. The fact that competence and capacity in the younger generation within the Indigenous populations, developed from professional training, will assist in negotiation and resolution of the cooperative requirements and mutual objectives to be achieved within a coalition of Indigenous nations and their peoples. Failure to achieve this capability is likely to lead to distrust and retardation of progress.
  3. The provision for financial and social support of the Indigenous students within the established high-calibre universities such as Queen's will ease the stress caused by the potential shock of lengthy intervals of separation from the home environment. Based on the experience of my eldest son (Queen's Engineering 1985) I believe the culture of Queen's addresses this aspect.

Fund Description:

Established in September 2016 by Morrison and Hilary Renfrew and awarded on the basis of academic achievement and demonstrated financial need to Aboriginal students entering first year of any first entry undergraduate degree program. First preference will be given to students enrolled in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science. Second preference will be given to students enrolled in the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences.