• Faculty of Health Sciences

The Meds '72 Jack Milliken Bursary

The Queen's Medical Class of 1972 established this Bursary Fund in memory of Dr. John Andrew Milliken (1923-2001), Professor Emeritus for the benefit of Queen's medical students.

Dr. "Jack" Milliken was an innovative clinician, educator and researcher. He is best remembered by Queen's medical students for his teaching and clinical work and thousands of Queen's medical students benefited from their association with him.

He provided a role model for many of us, impressed by his unique combination of academic and athletic skills that were overshadowed by his humanitarian and family values.

Many of us learned our basic history and physical examination skills under his tutelage and in looking back after our own years of clinical practice, we realize how essential and sound our teaching was. He was an astute clinician and had the ability to correct a student's clinical judgment without humiliating the student. His research interest was in the application of computers to ECG interpretation and he was recognized with a number of research awards. Many students had the privilege and learning experience of assisting with that research. He was a renowned national and international speaker and the author of many publications.

Many of his students and house staff enjoyed the hospitality of his home and family and remember him with respect and admiration.