Joe Parisi, Meds'84 & Mary Louise Parisi, Artsci’86, Ed’88
Joe Parisi, Meds'84 & Mary Louise Parisi, Artsci’86, Ed’88
  • Faculty of Health Sciences

The Dr. Joseph and Mary Louise Parisi Award in Medicine

Joe Parisi, Meds'84 & Mary Louise Parisi, Artsci’86, Ed’88
Established an award to provide financial assistance to medical study students.

Established by Joseph Parisi, M.D. 1984, F.R.C.S.C., and Mary Louise Parisi, B.A. (Hons.) 1986, B.Ed. 1988. The Award was created to help bridge the gap between financial need and successful completion of Medical studies by providing assistance to students who most require it and also are most deserving academically.

My Queen's education was a strong foundation enabling me to pursue my dreams and rewarding me with a most fulfilling medical career. It is my wish that this award will, in some small way, help others to fulfill their dreams.

I believe in the value of a university education. I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend one of the finest and most highly regarded institutions of higher learning in North America. I will always treasure my years at Queen's for the academic challenges and achievements they provided and also for the many friendships made and memories bestowed.

I was also fortunate to have studied Medicine at a time when education costs were more modest, making financial concerns less of a factor in fulfilling one's dreams of obtaining a medical degree. As tuitions and other education costs rise and competition for admittance to medical programs increases, hard work and good grades are no longer enough.