• Faculty of Health Sciences

The Dr. John O. Parker Lectureship in Cardiovascular Research

Donor Story:

The Parker children and Mr. Mahen (Mike) Acharya championed the establishment of this lectureship to honour the memory of Dr. John O. Parker (Meds'54) and to recognize his outstanding contributions to the field of cardiovascular research.

Dr. John O. Parker was instrumental in conducting world-renowned cardiovascular research and in providing cardiovascular care that significantly improved the lives of countless grateful patients. The lectureship will honour the investigative nature of Dr. John O. Parker and pay tribute to the excellence he inspired as a revered clinician scientist, generous mentor and consummate professional.

Fund Description:

Established by the Parker children and Mahen (Mike) Acharya in memory of Dr. John O. Parker (Meds'54) to support the costs associated with bringing prominent speakers on topics related to cardiology to the Division of Cardiology in the Department of Medicine.