• School of Graduate Studies

The Caldwell Family Bursary

Established by Gregor Caldwell, B.Com. 1964, and Beth Caldwell.

This bursary recognizes that three generations of Caldwells have had a real interest in helping students who may find that attending Queen's is a financial challenge.

Fred Caldwell, my father, was a very successful businessman with a high school education who strongly believed that a university education was important and backed up his belief with financial assistance to students. Many of my friends at Queen's struggled financially and I determined at that time that I would set up a bursary in the future.

If this bursary can help some students attend Queen's who might otherwise not have made it through their four years then it will have been successful.

My daughter, Tudor, worked while at Queen's as a student supervisor of the telemarketing campaign to raise funds for the library and general fundraising.