• Faculty of Arts and Science

The Allen and Mary Lou West Memorial Award

My Father, Dr. Allen S. West, taught Biology at Queen's from 1946 until mid '70's. During a troubled time in the '60's, he was acting head of the department. He co-authored the History of the department with his great friend, Beverley Smallman, whom he recruited to replace himself as Head.

He loved teaching and ran a prolific research/grad student program and he loved Queen's. When he died in 1996, we set up the fund to honour and remember him. In the later part of his career he became deeply involved in environmental work. Hence the orientation of the fund.

When my mother died in 2005, my sisters and I thought it appropriate to remember and honour her by adding her name to the fund. They were married right after the war and were a very glamorous and romantic couple when they arrived at Queen's. Their popularity persisted until deaths. Hundreds attended my father's memorial service held at Grant Hall and it was the same for my mother at the Agnes Etherington, nine years later.

Both Allen and Mary Lou West had inquiring minds and believed strongly in the kind of education that Queen's provides. I believe they would be well satisfied to be remembered by this fund.

I now live in the house on Albert Street that was once my parents', and would be happy to visit with any award recipient who would care to drop by.