Queen's Announces Divestment Decision

Queen’s has announced that the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees has decided not to divest the university’s pooled endowment fund and investment funds from fossil fuels.

The Investment Committee made the decision after reviewing and adopting the report of the Principal’s Advisory Committee on Divestment of Fossil Fuels. Principal Daniel Woolf struck the Advisory Committee on Divestment of Fossil Fuels, as required by the university’s Statement on Responsible Investing (SRI), after receiving an expression of concern from the student group Queen’s Backing Action on Climate Change (QBACC).

The decision, delivered to QBACC in a meeting on the morning of November 6, 2015, was the result of a six-month open consultation period to allow everyone to express their views on this matter. It received more than 220 submissions and presentations from Queen’s alumni, students, staff, faculty and others.

Thank you to all alumni who took the time to share their views on the matter. Your perspectives and opinions play a valuable role in shaping the future of Queen's.

More information about the Principal’s Advisory Committee on Divestment: Fossil Fuels and they review process is available on the committee’s website.