Flowers in bloom in the gardens in front of Summerhill-Benidickson House
Credit: Scott Day

New QUAA Board of Directors and president named

After an unprecedented nomination campaign, with the selection committee receiving more than 70 applications, the new Queen’s University Alumni Association (QUAA) Board of Directors has been chosen. 

Allison Williams, Artsci’09, has been named QUAA president, replacing outgoing president Colin McLeod, Artsci’10, who had served in the role since 2022. 

As president and chair, Williams will be working with many fresh faces, as the board welcomes 11 new directors as well as Galvin Niu, Sc’19, who returns as a director and Leigh Kalin, Artsci’92, Associate VP (Strategic Engagement) who serves as an ex-officio director. 

QUAA Board of Directors 

  • Ghazal Abdullah, MIB’23 
  • Cheryl Carver, MIR’89 
  • Carolyn Desrosiers, Artsci’06 
  • Leigh Kalin, Artsci’92 
  • Stacy Kelly, Artsci’93 
  • Simon Marmura Brown, MA’18, PhD’24 
  • Kelly McKinley, Artsci’91 
  • Galvin Niu, Sc’19 
  • Julie Nixon Rentsch, Com’99 
  • Kahir Rahemtulla, Sc’17 
  • Toby Thomas, Sc’85 
  • Sarah Virani, Artsci’11 
  • Allison Williams, Artsci’09 
  • Angela Xu, Com’22 

The board is the senior governing body of the QUAA. The board establishes priorities and policies that further the mission of the association and advances its strategic priorities, including engaging, developing, and celebrating alumni volunteers and the Alumni Assembly. 

In February, the board adopted several motions designed to encourage collaboration between the board, the Alumni Assembly, and the university, as well as to establish greater transparency and participation from a broader range of Queen’s community members.