[Donald Trump]

Let’s Talk Trump! Montreal Branch To Host Tricolour Dinner And Political Lecture

The Montreal Branch of the Queen’s University Alumni Association (QUAA) is hosting its Tricolour Dinner on May 4 and will feature Queen’s School of Policy Studies Dr. Kim Richard Nossal giving a presentation called “Canada and Turbulence in American Politics - The Trump Effect.”

Everyone is talking about Donald Trump’s surprising presidential run and the QUAA is joining the conversation.

Trump has made headlines for saying he would ban Muslims from entering the United States. He’s also stated Mexico will pay for a wall to be built between Mexico and the U.S. Dr. Nossal feels that Trump’s ideas may remain long after the billionaire has left politics.

“While Donald Trump will not become the next president of the United States — he has alienated too many voters for that to happen — the political impact of his campaign will resonate far beyond 2016,” says Dr. Nossal. “The anger and alienation he has so successfully tapped into is not going to disappear, and will pose significant policy challenges for those who are elected this year.”  

Online registration for the May 4 Montreal Branch dinner and lecture is now open. Please RSVP by April 27.