Leading The Way In Student Wellness And Success

Right now, 4,300 first-year Queen’s students are having the time of their lives! Soon, though, things may change.

I know. I was there. Four years ago, I came to Queen’s, barely 18 years old and away from home for the first time. I couldn’t wait to go to Queen’s but, soon after arriving, I felt like a fish out of water. I was homesick, overwhelmed with a whole new set of expectations, and unsure of how to juggle my courses, my job and my involvement with student government and clubs.

My grades nosedived, my confidence took a hit and I started to question who I was. I felt like I had no one to talk to and nowhere to turn. I had no idea that I wasn’t alone and that many others felt this way too.

This is why I was so excited last year when Queen’s introduced two new programs designed to help students transition from high school to university.

Queen’s is committed to a healthy community, providing the services and care most students will need at some point in their education. Thanks to support from alumni and friends, we’re leading the way in on-campus mental health and academic success initiatives, such as QSuccess and Bounce Back.

I experienced these two phenomenal programs firsthand in their inaugural year – and I can say they truly make Queen’s a special place. I worked as a mentor for both QSuccess, a six-week university transition program, and Bounce Back, a program focused on helping students who are struggling academically. Both programs rely on peer mentors to support first-year students through the transition by sharing tips for goal setting, time management, exam preparation and overall healthy living.

As a student who struggled, I know just how much of a difference initiative like this can make.

Near the end of last semester, one of my Bounce Back student mentees told me she didn’t feel so alone anymore. That’s what does it for me – just knowing that I can help someone feel less alone and overwhelmed than I did in my first year at Queen’s.

QSuccess and Bounce Back are just two examples of the many transformative student experiences that your gift to the Queen’s Fund helps to make possible. Your donation today will help create a supportive environment for students; attract faculty and staff who inspire and serve as positive role models; and provide financial assistance so students have one less barrier to success.

Queen’s students are ready to take initiative and make a difference – but they need our help! Help Queen’s students thrive by making a monthly gift of $20 in support of the Queen’s Fund. 

I’m now a graduate student in philosophy and I plan to return this fall as a senior facilitator with Bounce Back. I’m busier than ever before, but I’m willing to give as much time as it takes to help other students overcome the challenges that may come up during their first year at Queen’s.

When we support students to be the best they can be in all parts of their lives, we help them succeed in the classroom, but we also help them become contributing members of the Queen’s community. This balance ensures they are well-prepared to go into the world as Queen’s alumni and pay it forward.

I love everything about Queen’s. It’s made me who I am today. As a mentor, I’m continuing to give back in the best way I can right now. I hope you’ll join me with a gift to support Queen’s students today.

From one proud Queen’s grad to another…Cha Gheill!

Anna Majetic 
Queen's MA candidate