Class Of 2010 Prepares For First Milestone Homecoming Reunion

Homecoming is less than two months away, and alumni from all over the world are preparing to come home to Queen’s for October 23-25. Many older alumni will be coming back for their 10th Homecoming or even more – but for the classes of 2010, it’s their very first official milestone reunion!

“Those first five years after graduation can be really eventful,” says Colin McLeod, Artsci’10 and the Director At Large, Young Alumni on the QUAA Board of Directors. “Young Alumni are stepping into their first career, changing cities, starting families… many do go on to further studies, but a lot of us are getting our first taste of life beyond being a student. There are lots of ways to stay in touch online, but nothing can compare to catching up with friends face-to-face, and revisiting our university experiences and all the life that happens in between.”

McLeod has been heading up a 5th Reunion Committee, combining the ideas and expertise of all the volunteer Reunion Coordinators for the classes of 2010 and the Homecoming staff in Alumni Relations. “We’ve put together a great event this year,” says McLeod. “The Underground, formerly known as Alfie’s, has been reserved exclusively for 2010 grads and their guests on Saturday night. Food, music, a cash bar, and plenty of opportunities to catch up with old friends. The Committee is really excited to see it happen.” 

Over 100 people have already registered for the Class of 2010 Underground Takeover – if you’re a 2010 grad, sign up and join the fun! Add the event to your Homecoming Weekend when you register online.

Queen's band marching on campusThe classes of 2010 aren’t the only group with volunteer Reunion Coordinators! For Homecoming 2015, 75 classes and groups are coordinating reunion activities, each of which is led and organized by alumni volunteers. A new reception at Homecoming this year will celebrate the contributions of these energetic volunteers, with strategic direction from Johanne Blansche, NSc’88 and the Director at Large, Reunion Coordinator on the QUAA Board of Directors.

“It’s not even just about celebrating the amazing work these volunteers do year in and year out to keep their classmates connected to Queen’s and to one another,” Blansche notes. “It’s also about building community among the volunteers themselves! Every five years these classes and groups are celebrating reunions side by side – now they finally have an opportunity to meet, network, share ideas, and maybe even build some partnerships.”

All alumni who volunteer as Reunion Planners, whether coordinators, event planners, class giving coordinators, or any other reunion-related capacity, are warmly welcomed to attend the Reunion Planners Reception on the Friday of Homecoming Weekend, from 3:00-4:00 pm at the Fireside Room in Ban Righ Hall. 

With well over 1000 registrants already, Homecoming 2015 is shaping up to be an incredible weekend. Check out the Homecoming webpage for registration links, up-to-the-minute event listings, answers to Frequently Asked Questions, and much more! See you in October!