Meds'64 Class Photo

School of Medicine: Class of 1964

Next reunion

A Message from Queen’s Health Sciences

Join us at the Health Sciences events that offer an opportunity for networking and celebrating our community’s achievements! Meet Dean Jane Philpott at the drop in reception on Friday night to connect with faculty, students, and alumni. Saturday’s events include a range of school specific programming that we think you’ll enjoy.

Did you know that in the past four years, class giving initiatives have brought in over $6,000,000 for the Faculty of Health Sciences? There is power in the collective giving that you and your classmates organize. Every dollar makes a difference. To learn more about the power of class giving, please read this special article

No matter what you plan for your Homecoming weekend, we look forward to welcoming you back!

Meds'64 will participate in the full slate of events organized by the university. We have also arranged for a private class dinner for the class:

Meds'64 Class Dinner
Friday, Oct. 18
7 pm 
Fort Frontenac Officers' Mess, 317 Ontario St.