Join the School of Nursing as they celebrate 80 years of nursing with guest speaker, Dr. Sally Thorne, RN PhD, University of British Columbia. Dr. Thorne will be giving a lecture about reflections on the evolving public voice of the nursing profession.
The pandemic has taught nursing a great deal about where we shine, and where we sometimes remain hidden in the shadow. Among the lessons we will take forward into the future is a renewed passion for nursing leadership in public policy and in the conditions that shape our profession. Individually and collectively, we are finding the voice that reflects the force nursing must become within the kind of society we all envision.
This lecture will be given in-person and virtually. To attend virtually, please register to receive the Zoom link. The lecture will take place in the Britton Smith Foundation Lecture Theatre in the School of Medicine Building. The expanded facilities of the new School of Medicine enhance the education of our students and ultimately provide our region, province, and country with greater access to doctors.
The new facility hosts a state-of-the-art teaching clinic, lecture halls and large teaching spaces, simulation labs, surgical/technical skills labs, small-group and seminar rooms, info-commons and virtual learning spaces, and student study spaces.
Space is limited. Capacity in the Britton Smith Foundation Lecture Theatre is limited to 128 people. The building is fully accessible for all mobility types. For health and safety information on campus, please visit the Safe Return website.
Event Details
Britton Smith Foundation Lecture Theatre (Room 132A)
School of Medicine Building
15 Arch Street
Kingston ON