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Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship

Virtual event

The Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship presents: Dr. Anita Ghai

Join us for her lecture on “Community-based Rehabilitation and a Critical Disability Studies Approach.”

Anita GhaiAnita Ghai joined as a professor in School of Human Studies, Ambedkar University Delhi, in 2015. Before this, Anita was an associate professor in the Department of Psychology in Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi. Her specialization is in disability studies with a keen interest in sexuality, care and gender. Her major publications are Re-thinking Disability in India, Routledge, New Delhi (2015), (Dis) Embodied Form: Issues of Disabled Women (2003) and edited Disability in South Asia: Knowledge and Experience (2018). She is also an editor for Disability and Society. Taylor and Francis, Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research and Indian Journal of Gender Studies.

The Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship was established in memory and recognition of former Queen's School of Rehabilitation Therapy Director and founder of the International Centre for Advancement of Community Based Rehabilitation (ICACBR), Dr. Malcolm Peat.