2019 Tricolour Society recipients

Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award Reception

Kingston, ON

Alexandra da Silva, Con.Ed.'19, 36th Rector of Queen’s University invites you to celebrate and welcome this year’s inductees of the Tricolour Society at the 2019 Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award Reception.

This is the highest tribute that can be paid to a student for valuable and distinguished service to the university in non-athletic, extra-curricular activities. The 2019 recipients are:

  • Zachary Baum, Comp’17, MSc’19
  • Erika Shannon Campbell, Artsci’19
  • Benji Christie, Sc’19
  • Olivia Rondeau, Ed’19
  • Ampai Thammachack, Artsci’20

Presented in partnership with:

Formal presentation at 5:30 pm

Dress: Formal

QUAA Awards Gala

Following the Award Reception, guests are invited to register for the QUAA Awards Gala. Join us to celebrate outstanding alumni achievement where the newest inductees of the Tricolour Society will also be recognized. 

Alumni Volunteer Summit

On the same weekend is the annual Alumni Volunteer Summit. Join us to connect, enrich, educate and celebrate Queen's volunteers.

Accommodation Blocks:

Donald Gordon Conference Centre: Rate of $149/night; Group Code: 163975; Pin: 040519; or book by phone at 613-533-2221 or 1-866-455-2655 and mention 'Alumni Volunteer Summit'. 

Four Points by Sheraton Kingston: Rate of $189/night; Group Code: QA1; Group Name: Queens Alumni Gala Dinner Room Block; or book by phone at 613-544-4434 or 1-855-214-6765 and mention 'Queens Alumni Gala Dinner'.

Event Details


Grant Hall
43 University Avenue
Kingston ON

Complimentary, with registration
RSVP date