Alumni Global Citizenship Award

Presented to a Queen's alumni or group of Queen's alumni in recognition of distinguished work or volunteer service which has made a difference to the well-being of others either at home or abroad. 

In 2022, the QUAA renamed this award from the previous Alumni Humanitarian Award. The QUAA respectfully acknowledges the past recipients of the Alumni Humanitarian Award as the terms of the award remain unchanged. 

Award eligibility and criteria

Candidates should be:

  • A Queen's alumnus/alumna or group of alumni
  • Someone who has made an outstanding difference in the well-being of others within her/his community, or further afield
  • Recognized by their peers or by the public as having demonstrated humanitarian service that has enhanced the lives of others. This accomplishment may include but is not limited to research, innovation, or sustainability. 
  • An individual who has accomplished this service in either a professional or volunteer capacity

2024 Recipient

Kayla Cooper

  • Artsci'13

Kayla Cooper smiling wearing a blue shirt under a black sweater

Kayla Cooper graduated from Queen's in 2013, with a major in political studies, after which she obtained a Master of Science in International Criminal Justice and Intelligence from the University of Portsmouth in England.  

She joined INTERPOL's Project SOTERIA in 2022, working to prevent sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment perpetrated against vulnerable communities by members of the aid and humanitarian sector. This project brings together police from around the world alongside non-governmental organizations and international bodies to prevent bad actors from gaining employment working with vulnerable communities and enhancing investigative processes to support victims. 
Kayla also works to identify and locate some of the most wanted fugitive sex offenders in the world, and teaches anti-human trafficking, crimes against children, and sex crimes investigators the principles of online investigation. Kayla is an advocate for victims of sexual and gender-based violence and promotes children's safety online.