Recent Media - Links
For an in depth inventory of my media appearances, please visit here.
Testimony before Parliamentary Committees
- Senate Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security
- 23 March 2015: On Bill C-44: Protection of Canada from Terrorists Act, 2015.
- 23 March 2015: On Bill C-51: Anti-terrorism Act, 2015.
Academic Discussions
Ottawa Conference on Security & Defence: Reviewing Canadian Defence Policy, CPAC Public Record, February 2017
- Terrorists, Guns, and Drugs: The Application of Social Network Analysis to Illicit Transborder Networks. uOttawa, February 2015
- A Discussion of Political Demography and their defense and security applications, iaffairscanada, June 2015

- Christian on the problems with handgun bans (August 2019)
- Christian on whether to ban Huawei from Canada (January 2019) (cue to 1:05:10)
- Christian on the RCMP's handling of two terrorism-related arrests in Kingston (January 2019)
- Christian on the West and Chinese hacking (December 2018, cue to 6:00)
- Christian on the impact of tobacco tax hikes on the contraband market (November 2017)
- Christian discusses the use of force by police on Le Téléjournal Toronto (cue to 6:30) (July 2017)
- Christian on CBC Toronto News on airline screening and passenger rights (cue into 5:30) (June 2017)
- Christian on CBC News Network the government's defense policy review (June 2017)
- Christian on CBC News Network, explaining the challenges of processing and integrating immigrants in Germany (right-click and "save as") (December 2016)
- Christian joins CBC Vancouver News on threat projections and the Nice attacks (starts at 10:00) (July 2016)
- Christian on Cross Country Checkup discussing the attack in Nice, France (starts at 1:17:30) (July 2016)
- Christian on The Early Edition discussing the attack in Nice, France (starts at 59 mins) (July 2016)
- Christian is interviewed on CBC News Vancouver on the rationale behind terrorists targeting airports (starts as 3:30) (June 2016)
- Christian joins The National Sunday panel discussing the Orlando terror attack. (June 2016)
- Christian comments on terrorism and ransom in a Radio-Canada article (May 2016)
- Christian on the history of Abu Sayyaf and the test it presents for the new Trudeau Government (April 2016)
- Christian on Radio-Canada discussing the Brussels Bombings (March 2016)
- Christian considers the progress and setbacks towards a diverse Canadian Forces (May 2015)
- Christian on Canada's military role against ISIS (December 2015)
- Christian on the ongoing conflicts in Syria (March 2015)
- Christian outlines possible ways the powers of disruption outlined in Bill C-51 could be used (March 2015)
- Christian on the evolving role of the Communications Security Establishment (March 2015)
- Christian responds to critiques of Bill C-51: Anti-terrorism Act, 2015 (March 2015)
- Christian considers the implications of Canadian intervention in Syria against ISIS (Starts at 18:02) (March 2015)
- Christian joins the Power and Politics debate on the Canada's new anti-terror legislation (March 2015)
- Christian discuté à Toronto de nouvelles politiques visant la contrebande du tabac en Ontario (March 2015)
- Christian considers Canada's role in the fight against ISIS (February 2015)
- Christian on potential changes to Canada's anti-terror laws (October 2014)
- Christian on Power and Politics speaking to ISIS' strategy and potential responses (September 2014)
- Christian discusses policing and recent First Nations protests blocking rail lines (April 2014)
- Christian considers why guns continue to cross into Canada from the United States (May 2013)
- Christian on The National, noting why terrorists target rail travel (April 2013)
- Christian warns against a knee-jerk reaction after the Boston bombing (April 2013)
- Christian joins an on-line discussion on the November 2012 Israel-Hamas conflict (November 2012)
- Christian on the Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle espionage case (October 2012) (Scroll to 2:00)
- Christian speaks on the ramifications of a Canadian naval officer accused of espionage and a possible link to the Russian Federation (January 2012)
CTV News
- Christian on a potential handgun ban (May 2019)
- Christian on two terrorism-related arrests in Kingston (Janaury 2018) (Facebook required)
- Christian on what will happen if Justin Trudeau cancels the Saudi arms deal (December 2018)
- Christian on protecting Canada's electoral process from foreign influence (August 2018)
- Christian discusses Finance Minister Bill Morenau's performance (November 2017)
- Christian on a Toronto man on an Interpol list of ISIS threats (August 2017)
- Christian on Canada extending its mission against ISIS for two more years (June 2017)
- Christian on the government's defense policy review (June 2017)
- Christian on the motivation and consequences of the shooting of a police officer near the Champs-Elysée (April 2017)
- Christian on the dangers Canadian troops face in the Middle East (March 2017)
- Christian discusses security in Canada following the attack in Berlin (December 2016) (Facebook required)
- Christian on the Battle of Mosul (October 2016) (Facebook required)
- Christian on the June 2016 attack on the Istanbul AtatĂĽrk Airport (June 2016)
- Christian discusses the bombing of a Canadian-run hospital in Syria (April 2016)
- Christian on Canadian hostage John Ridsdel executed in the Philippines; Five things to know about the Abu Sayyaf terrorist group; Canada working with the Philippines against Abu Sayyaf (April 2016)
- Christian's take on the transfer of Salah Abdeslam to France for his role in the 2015 Paris Attacks (March 2016)
- Christian on discouraging Canadians from participating in terrorist activities overseas (March 2016)
- Christian on American forces deploying to Syria (November 2015)
- Christian explains the nature of the ISIS threat against the West Edmonton Mall (February 2015)
- Christian on the tunnel discovered at York University in Toronto (February 2015)
- Christian considers the costs of the Canadian mission against ISIS (February 2015)
- Christian outlines proposed new powers for CSIS (February 2015)
- Christian provides commentary on a hostage situation in Sydney, Australia (December 2014)
- Christian on the execution of two Al-Qaeda captives and special forces operations (December 2014)
- Christian speaks to the ongoing negotiations on Iran's nuclear program (November 2014)
- Christian considers what could happen if ISIS takes Kobani, along with Turkish hesitation to intervene (October 2014)
- Christian reflects on the effects of coalition bombing of ISIS (September 2014)
- Christian states that countries need to follow through on their pledges to support the fight against ISIS (September 2014)
- Christian explains the British government's intent to give police broader powers against "homegrown" terrorists (September 2014)
- Christian on the possibility of American air strikes against ISIS in Syria (August 2014)
- Christian reacts to the murder of American journalist Jim Foley (Clip 1) (Clip 2) (August 2014)
- Christian discusses the ISIS insurgency in Iraq (August 2014)
- Christian on President Obama committing more troops and money to Eastern Europe (June 2014)
- Christian analyzes Edward Snowden's credibility gap (May 2014)
- Christian explores talks on the Ukrainian situation (May 2014)
- Christian speaks to the deployment of Russian troops and President Putin's strategy (May 2014)
- Christian dissects the international response to Russian intervention in Crimea (March 2014)
- Christian considers the ethnolinguistic properties of Ukraine in the context of current political crisis (February 2014)
- Christian on security weaknesses around the Sochi games (February 2014)
- Christian discusses the kidnapping of the Libyan Prime Minister (October 2013)
- Christian comments on Yemeni forces foiling an Al Qaeda plot (October 2013)
- Christian speaks about the Nairobi terror attack (September 2013)
- Christian comments on Ali Mohamed Dirie - a convicted Toronto 18 member - and his death in Syria (September 2013)
- Christian considers the US-Russian deal on Syrian chemical weapons (September 2013)
- Christian discusses the potential intervention of American forces in Syria (September 2013)
- Christian considers the closure of Western missions across the world (August 2013)
- Christian on Israeli strikes on Syria (May 2013)
- Christian reflects on the arrest of two individuals allegedly planning an attack on VIA Rail, and the terror threat in Canada (April 2013)
- Christian comments on North Korea, particularly their relationship with China (April 2013)
- Christian considers North Korean posturing after the UN strengthened sanctions (March 2013)
- Christian on the legal, political and security ramifications of the conviction of Jeffrey Delisle (February 2013)
- Christian discusses Canadian involvement in Mali (January 2013)
- Christian considers French intervention in Mali (January 2013)
- Christian speaks to the effect of Jeffrey Delisle's confession on the Government's court and foreign relations strategy (January 2013)
- Christian considers the Government's options to replace Canada's aging fighter and changes to the procurement process (December 2012)
- Christian discusses President Morsi's latest policy moves and the upcoming referendum on the Egyptian Constitution (December 2012)
- Christian comments on the ramifications of the deployment of NATO Patriot missile systems in Turkey in response to the Syrian situation (December 2012)
- Christian joins CTV News to discuss the resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus (November 2012)
- Christian on the Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle espionage case :
- Appearance 1 (October 2012) (Scroll to 8:30)
- Appearance 2 (October 2012) (Scroll to 3:50)
- Christian on an UN General Assembly Resolution on Syria and the ongoing activities of intelligence agencies in the Middle East (August 2012)
- Christian is interviewed on current events in the Middle East, specifically the ramifications of the UN observation mission in Syria and the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company terminating supply to Israel (April 2012)
- Christian speaks on the ramifications of a Canadian naval officer accused of espionage and a possible link to the Russian Federation (January 2012)
- Christian on the International Security Forum (November 2011)
- Christian discussing Iranian threats to close the Strait of Hormuz on CTV News (December 2011)
- Christian interpreting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' positioning at the UN (September 2011)
- Christian discussing Moammar Qaddafi's options after the fall of his compound (August 2011)
- Christian commenting Moammar Qaddafi's options after the fall of Tripoli (August 2011)
Global News
- Christian (1, 2) on the RCMP search for B.C. murder suspects (August 2019)
- Christian on common traits among mass shooters and mitigation strategies (August 2019)
- Christian (1, 2) on RCMP raids in Kingston (January 2019)
- Christian on officer-involved shootings (December 2018)
- Christian on NATO's largest military exercise since end of Cold War (October 2018)
- Christian on North Korean hackers (November 2017)
- Christian on Canada offering reintegration support for ISIS fighters (November 2017)
- On Global National, on how to protect against lone wolves (Cue to 9:30) (October 2017)
- On Global National, considering the intelligence community's concerns about closer ties between the U.S. and Russia (December 2016)
- Christian on the test faced by the Canadian Government on the execution of Canadian John Ridsdel and how to get the remaining hostages released (April 2016)
- On Global News, considering the link between contraband tobacco and international terrorism (March 2016)
- Christian on Global National, discussing ISIS sympathizer arrested after plotting to bomb U.S. consulate in Toronto (March 2015)
- Christian on reasons why CSIS or the RCMP could not have stopped a Canadian from joining ISIS (September 2014)
- Christian discusses Canadians fighting abroad with terror groups (September 2014)
- Christian on Global National, speaking on a Canadian-led international drug ring in Australia (October 2013)
- Christian on Global National, where he notes that the VIA Rail bomb plot was likely not a product of a large conspiracy (April 2013) (cue to 2m30s)
- Christian considers Canadian attitudes towards intervention in Syria (July 2012)
- Christian speaks on what job cuts may mean to the Canadian Border Services Agency (April 2012)
- Christian on President Obama's new defence strategy (January 2012)
- Christian speaks on the ramifications of a Canadian naval officer accused of espionage and a possible link to the Russian Federation (Clip 1) (Clip 2)
- Christian joins The Agenda on returning ISIL fighters (January 2018)
- Christian on the Quebec Mosque Shooting (January 2017)
- Christian joins The Agenda on how liberal democracies can contend with terrorism and violence (December 2016)
- Christian on the legacy of President Obama's foreign policy (March 2016)
- Christian considers the implications of the 2015 Middle East refugee crisis (September 2015)
- Christian joins a panel discussion on Angela Merkel's leadership and the role of a modern Germany in Europe (March 2015)
- Christian discusses the Conservative government's new anti-terror legislation, bill C-51 (February 2015)
- Christian joins The Agenda to consider the costs of policing (March 2014) (September 2014)
- Christian speaks to Mark Brosens of The Agenda about how people become radicalized, and what can be done to stop potential terrorists from committing violence (April 2013)
- Christian speaks to The Agenda producer Mark Brosens on the challenges involved in keeping the growth of emergency services costs reasonable (December 2012)
- Christian on The Agenda with Steve Paikin on the evolution of Canadian values (May 2012)
- Your Agenda: Time to Put Ontario First? on The Agenda with Steve Paikin. (July 2011)
- Your Agenda: Two Canadas on The Agenda with Steve Paikin. (November 2010)
- Christian on the Canadian illicit weed market (February 2014)
France 24
- Christian explains the issues around Syrian sarin gas stockpiles (December 2012)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
- Christian on the need for greater security and criminal intelligence to combat attacks (October 2014)
CKWS Television
- Christian on police costs for municipalities (August 2015)
- Christian on CKWS TV Western-Russian relations and the Crimean Crisis (March 2013)
- Christian on CKWS TV on increasing violence in Egypt (August 2013)
- Christian on CKWS TV speaking to the Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle espionage case (October 2012)
- Christian on CKWS TV Kingston reflecting on the results of security spending in Canada after the September 11th attacks (September 2012)
- Christian on Canada’s peacekeeping mission in Mali (November 2018)
- Christian on Canada's committment to UN peacekeeping (November 2017)
- Christian on the ramifications of the ruling against the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (November 2016) (cue to 2:45)
- Christian analyzes the ISIL mission and debate in Parliament (February 2016) (Starts at 11:30)
- Christian explains the international and domestic legal concerns around the arrest of a Somali citizen (June 2015) (Starts at 2:15)
- Christian considers how executives might be deterred from politics (November 2017)
- Christian on why the proposed cannabis tax could still leave provinces at net loss (October 2017)
- Christian on current and future security and strategies to counter terrorism (October 2014)
- Christian on potential changes to Canada's anti-terror strategy in light of the October 2014 attacks (October 2014)
- Christian on the October 2014 Parliament Hill Shooting (October 2014)
Sun News
- Christian on the government's decision not to negotiate with terrorists (April 2016).
- Christian explores policing costs (April 2014)
- Christian on the investigation and search for flight MH370 (March 2013)
- Christian on Israeli strikes on Syria (May 2013)
- Sun Media considers homegrown terrorism and Christian's work on Cross-border Terror Networks: A Social Network Analysis of the Canada-U. S. Border (April 2013)
- Christian considers terrorism of a domestic origin (April 2013)
- Christian on the legal implications of the Delisle conviction (February 2013)
- Christian considers the postponement to changes to Canada's defence strategy until after Budget 2013 (February 2013)
- Christian discusses the Algerian hostage situation and the rise of extremism in Canada (January 2013)
- Christian comments on Canadian troops in Mali (January 2013)
- Christian on the Sub-Lt. Jeffrey Delisle espionage case (October 2012)
- Christian provides analysis on the Iraqi insurgency and Syria's announcement of their chemical and biological weapons program (July 2012)
- Christian discusses Iran's nuclear ambitions, tensions with Israel and relations with India (February 2012)
- Christian speaks on the ramifications of a Canadian naval officer accused of espionage and a possible link to the Russian Federation (January 2012)
- Christian is interviewed on public mourning for Kim Jong-il and future of his heir apparent, Kim Jong-un (December 2011)
- Christian provides analysis on Kim Jong-un (December 2011)
- Christian on Roundtable for a segment on the "Muslim Mindset in Canada", discussing his study, What Do Muslim Canadians Want? The Clash of Interpretations and Public Opinion. (November 2011)
- Christian's interview on The Source with Ezra Levant on multiculturalism in Canada, speaking to the results of his study, What Do Muslim Canadians Want? The Clash of Interpretations and Public Opinion. (November 2011)
- Christian discussing the draw-down of combat troops in Afghanistan (October 2011)
- Christian on the prospects for Libya's future after Gadhafi (October 2011)
- Christian speaking to the threat of espionage to Canada (September 2011)
CBC Radio
- Christian on The Current considering military aid for natural disaster relief (May 2019)
- Chrisitan on Here and Now on the firing of former OPP deputy commissioner Brad Blair (March 2019)
- Christian on concerns with Chinese-Canadian university collaboration (November 2018)
- Christian on The Current on if Canada should join the us ballistic missile defence program (September 2017)
- Christian on Ontario Morning and Ottawa Morning on North Korea 's misslie tests (August 2017)
- Christian on how to curb the cost of policing in Canada with Matt Galloway and Metro Morning (July 2017)
- Christian on Radio Canada International on outsourcing military contracts (June 2017)
- Christian on Ontario Morning, on terror attacks in Manchester and Egypt (cue in to 8:45) (May 2017)
- Christian on The Current, discussing the government's defense policy review (June 2017)
- Christian on Ottawa Morning on a recent attack on the Russian Metro (April 2017)
- Christian on Ontario Morning, on Trump causing uncertainty in the intelligence community (cue in to 18:00) (February 2017)
- Christian on the Berlin Christmas market attack (cue in to 32:08) (December 2016)
- Christian on the Battle of Mosul (October 2016) (cue in to 13:58)
- Christian on the Bastille Day attack in France (July 2016)
- Christian discusses bombings in Baghdad (July 2016)
- Christian on NATO's plan to mount a special force in Eastern Europe and Canada's potential involvement (June 2016)
- Christian joins a panel on ISIS' next steps after Syrian forces capture Palmyra (March 2016)
- Christian joins The House on the Paris attacks and security concerns around COP21 (November 2015)
- Christian on why the attacks in Paris strike so close to home (November 2015)
- Christian on new tensions in Korea (August 2015)
- Christian explains new non-visa requirements to enter the country (July 2015)
- Christian provides his thoughts on Canadian troops in the Ukraine (April 2015)
- Christian joins Alberta on Noon on Canada's ant-terror bill (cue to 22:50) (February 2015)
- Christian considers security in Ottawa (October 2014)
- Christian considers security measures for Parliament and members of the Canadian Forces (October 2014)
- Christian on The 180 with Jim Brown discussing rising police costs (September 2014)
- Christian speaks to The Current on Canada's defence spending and NATO (September 2014) (Starts at 12:00)
- Christian on Metro Morning on the nature of the terrorism in the post 9/11-world (September 2013)
- Christian speaks to Metro Morning on the nature of the terrorism threat to Canada (April 2013)
- Christian on the security issues around Canadian rail infrastructure (April 2013) (Part 3)
- Christian discusses the international reputation of the Canadian passport on The Current (April 2013)
- Christian reminds Canadians of the need to focus on resilience and deterrence on The Current (April 2013)
Radio Première Chaine
- Christian on a two-day meeting of NATO leaders in Brussels (February 2017)
- Christian on Canadian foreign and defense policy in the age of Trump (February 2017)
AM 680
- Christian on the cost of policing (April 2014)
- Christian on John Gormley Live discussing the costs of policing (April 2014)
- Christian comments on the arrests of terror suspects in Toronto (April 2013)
- Christian on The Richard Brown Show on the ramifications of the Syrian conflict to the Middle East (August 2012)
- Christian speaks to Ian Masters in the aftermath of the October 2014 attacks on Parliament and Canadian Forces members (October 2014)
- Christian on 873AM (Australia) on the RCMP search for B.C. murder suspects (August 2019)
- Christian on the The Jon McComb Show on American obligations if North Korea attacks Canada (September 2017)
National Post
On the roles of the RCMP and Canada Border Services Agency on border security (July 2017)
- Christian on the Edmonton terror attack (1) (2) (October 2017)
- Christian on the use of the word "war" and ISIL (March 2016)
- Christian on the government's position on Omar Khadr (May 2015)
- Christian considers why rail networks are an attractive terror target (April 2013)
- Christian notes the benefits of the Combating Terrorism Act (April 2013)
- Christian considers increased powers for CSIS outside of Canada (April 2013)
- Christian ponders the relationship between religious conversion and terror (April 2013)
- Christian on the unintended consequences of the overthrow of Gaddafi (January 2013)
The Globe and Mail
- Odds of stanching illegal handgun flow low for police and lawmakers (July 2018)
- On the RCMP shifting priorities from organized crime to terror after the 2014 Ottawa attack (September 2017)
- In The Globe and Mail, on my report on Fixing the Governance, Leadership, and Structure of the RCMP (September 2017)
- Special to The Globe and Mail: After Berlin attack, the cracks in Germany’s security are showing (December 2016)
- Christian considers the 2016 Budget and Canada's security agencies (March 2016)
- Op-ed: Is proportional representation a good model for Canada?(March 2016)
- Op-ed: Extremist travellers aren’t about to go away (August 2015)
- Editorial debate: Will Bill C-51 protect or imperil Canadians (March 2015)
- Christian on the threat of "lone wolf" terrorists (April 2013)
- Christian considers the nature of the Boston bombing and the investigator's next steps (April 2013)
- Christian reflects on the 20-year sentence to Jeffrey Delisle (February 2013)
Toronto Star
- Christian with Hayley McNorton on how Canada's new intelligence oversight committee lacks necessary expertise (November 2017)
- Christian on the challenges faced by Aboriginals joining security forces (August 2014)
- Christian's editorial: "Police are pricing themselves out of business" (April 2014)
- Christian on the challenges faced by intelligence agencies in the wake of the Boston bombing (April 2013)
- Christian cautions against drawing conclusions about the discovery of a Canadian passport after the Algerian hostage event (January 2013)
- Ottawa Citizen
- Christian proposes ways to reduce the cost of policing (April 2014)
- Christian considers why intelligence officials did not question Jeffrey Delisle (February 2013)
- Christian reacts to claims that Canadians were involved in the January 2013 Algerian gas plant attack (January 2013)
- Edmonton Journal
- Christian on rising police costs (April 2013)
- Christian comments on the ongoing investigation into Canadians and the Algerian gas plant attack (February 2013)
Other Media
- Everything is Political with Evan Solomon
- Belgian authorities underestimated terrorism threat (March 2016)
- TRT World
- TRT (Turkish Radio and Television) World on the March 2016 attack on Istanbul attack (March 2016)
- TRT (Turkish Radio and Television) World on the French government's security measures following Paris attacks (January 2016)
- Sun News
- Sun Media papers on the Government's decision not to negotiate in Sun Media papers (April 2016)
- Christian considers Canada's abilities to track terrorist financing (May 2015)
- Global News
- Associated Press
- Christian on the British Government's decision to raise their terror level (August 2014)
- Calgary Herald
- Christian on the RCMP investigating Canadian involvement in the Algerian gas plant attack (January 2013)
- Kingston Whig-Standard
- Christian on the closing of the Kingston Penitentiary (December 2012)
- Now Toronto
- Christian considers the political questions around Canadian use of aerial drones (February 2013)
- Arab Times
- Christian considers the efforts of the RCMP to build relationships in the Muslim community (April 2013)
- China Times
- Christian considers the efforts of the RCMP to build relationships in the Muslim community (April 2013)