Cyber Security

2024 4. Szeman, Jand Leuprecht, C. Exit, Voice or Loyalty?  Functional Engagement as Cyber Strategy for Middle Power Statecraft. In Deterrence in the 21st Century. Eds. Eric Ouellet, Madelaine d’Agata and Keith Stewart. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, chapter 11. 
2023 3. Szeman, J3 and Leuprecht, C. Coalition Strategic Cyber Campaigns: Functional Engagement as Cyber Doctrine for Middle Power Statecraft. The Cyber Defense Review 8(4) Fall: 99-199. 

2. Leuprecht, C, Szeman, J and Skilliborn, DB1. The Damoclean sword of offensive cyber: Policy uncertainty and collective insecurity. Contemporary Security Policy. SJR = Q2

2016 1. Skillicorn, DB1, Leuprecht, C, and Tait, V. 2016. Beyond the Castle Model of Cybersecurity. Government Information Quarterly. 33(2): 250-257. SJR = Q1 (Top 7% in Sociology and Political Science)

See my talk at Flinders University on this topic.

Abridged and revised portions of this article subsequently appeared as Computing in Compromised Environments: Beyond the Castle Model of Cyber-Security. In Exploring the Security Landscape: Non-Traditional Security Challenges. Ed. Anthony Masys. New York: VS Springer: 249-265. Initial draft version published by the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy as Working Paper No. 4, July 2015.