
2021 29. Leuprecht, C and Kölling, M2. Federalism and Security in the 21st century. In Beyond Autonomy: Practical and Theoretical Challenges to 21st Century Federalism. Eds. Tracy Fenwick and Andrew Banfield. Leiden: Brill, pp. 158-171. 

28. Leuprecht C. By gambling on a free lunch, the Federal Government Making a Daring Fiscal Bet. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute Intelligence Memo. 7 December. 

27. Kölling, Mand Leuprecht, C. Föderalismus und die Herausforderungen Innerer Sicherheit – ein internationaler Vergleich. In Reformbaustelle Bundesstaat. Eds. Felix Knüpling, Mario Kölling, Sabine Kropp and Henrik Scheller. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, pp. 365-379. 


26. Hataley, T.1 and Leuprecht, C. Canada. Public Security in Federal Polities. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


25. Leuprecht, C. 2015. Go With The Flow: The (Im)Plausibility of a Grand Canadian Intergovernmental Bargain on Energy Policy and Strategy. In The State of the Federation 2012: Regions, Resources, Resiliency. Eds. Loleen Berdahl and Carolyn Tuohy. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, chapter 2, pp. 9-23.

24. Leuprecht, C., Kölling, M and Hataley, T1. 2015. Public Security in Federal Systems. In Federalism as Decision-Making: changes in structures, procedures and policies. Eds. Francesco Palermo and Elisabeth Alber. Leiden: Brill, Martinus Nijhoff, chapter 17, pp. 339-357.


23. Hataley, T1 and Leuprecht, C. December 2014. Asymmetric decentralization of the administration of multilevel security governance in the Canadian federal political system. Canadian Public Administration 57(4): 507-526. SJR = Q2


22. Leuprecht, C. 2012. The nascent societies and governments of Germany’s unitary federalism. Regional and Federal Studies 22(2) April: 177-203. Top = Q1

21. Leuprecht, C. Spring 2012. Public Safety in Federal Systems: A Primer. L’Europe en formation 363(4): 417-436.
Revised version reprinted in Jahrbuch des Föderalismus, Vol. 13. Baden-Baden: Nomos-Verlagsgesellschaft, 2012, pp. 108-122.

20. Leuprecht, C. 2012. Resisting from the Periphery: Constitutional, Institutional, and Societal Conditions and Drivers of Federal Encroachment of Constituent Units. In Governing from the Centre: the influence of the federal / central government on subnational governments. Ed. Gisela Färber. Speyer: German Research Institute for Public Administration, pp. 75-103.


19.Leuprecht, C. Introduction. In Essential Readings in Canadian Constitutional Politics. Eds. C Leuprecht and P.H. Russell. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. xv-xxiv.


18. Leuprecht, C. 2009. From unitarizing administrative quasi-federalism to a genuine federal system: How demographic change will drive fiscal-federalism reform as a means to improving the performance of public finances Germany. In Föderalismusreform II, Ralf Baus, Rudolf Hrbek and Henrik Scheller, eds. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 1-35.

17. Leuprecht, C. 2009. Demographic Change -- A Catalyst for Federal Asymmetry. In Francesco Palermo, Carolin Zwilling and Karl Kössler, eds. Asymmetries in Constitutional Law: Recent developments in federal and regional systems. Bolzano/Bozen: European Academy, 2009, pp. 189-223.


16. Leuprecht, C. and McHugh, J.T.2 2008. Fixed Election Cycles: A genuine alternative to responsible government? Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 46(4) November: 415-441. SJR = Q2

15. Leuprecht, C. 2008. Föderalismuskultur-Banausen: Zur föderalen Reife der deutschen Gesellschaft. In Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung, ed. Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2008. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 270-285. [On the federal maturity of German society]

14. Leuprecht, C and Hataley, T1. 2008. Just how liberal-democratic is Canadian foreign policy: A pluralist test. In The World in Canada and the 3Ds: Diaspora, Demography and Domestic Politics. David Carment and David Bercuson, eds. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, pp. 123-148.

13. Leuprecht, C. 2008. “Reforming Fiscal Federalism and Equalization: Lessons from the Canadian Experience”. In Die zweite Stufe der Föderalismusreform: Die Neuordnung der Finanzbeziehungen im deutschen Bundesstaat, R Baus & R Hrbek, eds. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 259-274.

12. Leuprecht, C. 2008. Cites in Multilevel Governance Systems: Implications for Second Chambers. In Legislatures in Federal Systems and Multi-Level Governance. Ed., Hrbek, R. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

11.Leuprecht, C. Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, Canadian Politics: Concise Edition (by Rand Dyck), 4th ed. Scarborough: Thomson Nelson, 2008.


10. Leuprecht, C and Lazar, H1. 2007. Introduction. Spheres of Governance: Comparative Studies of Cities in Multilevel Governance Systems, H Lazar & C Leuprecht, eds. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 1-21.

9. Leuprecht, C. 2007. “Fiskale Gerechtigkeit in der kanadischen Föderation: Gedankenanstösse zur zweiten Phase der Föderalismusreform in Deutschland”. In Föderalismusreform II: Wichenstellungen für eine Neuordnung der Finanzbeziehungen im Deutschen Bundesstaat. R T Baus, T Fischer & R Hrbek, eds. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp.201-220. [Fiscal justice in the Canadian federation: Reflections on the Germany’s second federalism reform; published in On the road to a second step of the federal reform - preconditions and perspectives of a reorganization of the financial relations within the German federal state].

8.Leuprecht, C. Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank, Canadian Politics: Critical Approaches (by Rand Dyck), 7th ed. Scarborough: Thomson Nelson.

7. Leuprecht, C. Comparative Review of Michael Burgess’ Comparative Federalism: Theory and Practice and Thomas O. Hueglin and Alan Fenna, Comparative Federalism: A Systematic Inquiry in Federations Magazine 6(1) March/April: 7-8.


6. Young, R1 and Leuprecht, C. 2006. Introduction: new work, background themes, and future research about municipal-federal-provincial relations in Canada. In Canada: The State of the Federation. Municipal-Federal-Provincial Relations in Canada, R Young & C Leuprecht, eds. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 3-22.

5. Leuprecht, C. 2006. Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels auf föderale Regierungssysteme: Kanada und Deutschland im Vergleich. In Europäisches Zentrum für Föderalismus-Forschung (ed.) Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2006. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, pp. 83-101. [Implications of demographic change for federal systems of governance: Canada and Germany in Comparison; published in the Yearbook of Federalism 2006].


4. Leuprecht, C and O’Conner, N. 2005. Demographic Change and Federal Systems. In Spatial Aspects of Federative Systems. G Färber & N Otter, ed. Speyer: Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung, Deutsche Hochschule für Verwaltungswissenschaften.

2003 3. Leuprecht, C. 2003. The Tory Fragment in Canada: Endangered Species? Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique 36(2): 401-416. SJR = Q2

2. Leuprecht, C. and McCreery, C.3 2002. When Fraud Comes of Age: Libations and Legitimacy in Canadian Electioneering. Public Integrity 4(4): 273-289.

1. Leuprecht, C. 2002. The liberal contradictions of Quebec nationalism. Canadian Review of Studies in Nationalism 29: 13-26.