
At Queen's, you are never alone. Our welcoming living and learning environment offers the programs and services you need to be successful, both academically and personally. We provide support to make sure you can be as successful as possible! Need support, but not sure who to contact? Email to get started. 

Table of Contents

Orientation & Transitions

Food Access Resources

Learn more about different food access programs on campus

This section provides a list of free or inexpensive food access resources for students both on campus, and in the Kingston community. 

Visit the links below for up-to-date information on where to get food, learn about food, purchase food with discounts, and much more!

If you are consistently finding it difficult to afford food, financial aid options can be explored with the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) - Financial Aid and Awards Office


AMS Food Bank 
Weekly access to fruits, vegetables, grain products, and proteins for students in need. Open to undergraduate, graduate and professional Queen's students.

Swipe it Forward Queen’s
The Swipe It Forward program provides students in need with short-term, urgent support for access to nutritious meals in residence dining halls. During the Fall and Winter terms, students struggling to afford food may access up to 25 meals per semester in residence dining halls referral from a program partner.

Individuals on a meal plan can donate one meal per day, up to five per semester, from the current week’s meals. Just let the cashier at the dining hall or retail outlet know that you want to “swipe it forward”!

More information is available on the Swipe It Forward Queen’s webpage.

PEACH Market
PEACH, the Providing Equal Access, Changing Hunger Market is a shared initiative between Student Affairs and the Alma Mater Society. PEACH offers access to high-quality and nutritious food from across Hospitality Services’ locations that is packaged and sold at a low cost using an accessible 'pay what you can' operating model. A sliding scale model strives to uphold people's dignity and autonomy by offering customers tiered pricing for menu items at $1, $3, $5, or an open rate based on affordability.   

Student volunteers proudly run the PEACH Market offering fresh daily menus for the campus community in the new Medical Building on Arch Street, open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 11 am – 2 pm.

Whole Bowls
Low-cost, warm meals are available for purchase year-round at Mackintosh-Corry Hall (MC2). Whole Bowls are made and delivered fresh daily and can be found near the soups in MC2. Check hours of operation for MC2.

Fresh Food Boxes and Mason Jar Meals - check websites for dates and times
Peer Health Educator volunteers put together $5 Fresh Food Boxes and FREE Mason Jar Meal kits for students to purchase and pick up throughout the year. Registration is required.

Good Times Diner
A local student-run service that provides a wide variety of freshly prepared meals to any individuals in the Queen’s community. Open through the fall and winter terms at Chalmers United Church (212 Barrie St, Kingston, ON K7L 2L8).

If you would like to volunteer, applications open in September. For more info, follow on Instagram @queensgtd or like on Facebook at ASUS Good Times Diner. Please email with any questions.

Good Food Box
Accessed through the AMS Food Bank. This program provides students with monthly access to fresh produce. Community partners provide 20 boxes free of charge to Queen's students; further boxes may be purchased through their discounted pricing program. See the AMS Food Bank website for registration and ordering details.

Just in Time
Just in Time offerings allows students, staff, and faculty to purchase baked goods and grab-and-go items at a reduced price before expiry while helping to divert campus food waste. Look for products with the Just in Time 50% off sticker in proprietary retail food locations, including The Lazy Scholar, Location 21, Goodes Café, Wally’s, MC2, Jean Royce Barista, The Library Café, Cafe UNION, and Student Street Express.

Lionhearts’ Fresh Food Market
Visit Mackintosh-Corry Hall, outside MC2, biweekly on Tuesdays from 2:30–4:30 pm, starting January 14, for access to fresh produce at a discounted rate, along with other select food items. View market locations and times.

BeWell Blog
Recipes, articles, and more!

Healthy Cooking Sessions – check website for dates and times
Join Peer Health Educator volunteers for a $10 interactive cooking session to learn how to prepare a healthy and budget-friendly 3-course meal, while connecting with other students.

Queen’s Soul Food
Student run organization which delivers the unconsumed food from Queen’s University campus cafeterias to local Kingston shelters every night. The organization was founded in 2007 and has now expanded to bring the unused food from both Leonard Hall and Ban Righ Hall cafeterias to four local shelters as well as the Kingston Street Truck Mission in the winter.

Food that is not collected by Soul Food is also shared with Loving Spoonful Kingston to support their food reclamation program. These food items are distributed to a variety of agencies within the community, providing quality and fresh meals for those who are in need. 

Partners in Mission Food Bank
Food hampers with several days worth of groceries; baby supplies and pet food may also be available

No referrals are necessary – clients are required to come in or call to arrange a time for an intake interview.

Martha’s Table
A caring place where people in need can have a nutritious meal and find the social support of a community of friends and volunteers.

Student discounts are available with the presentation of a valid Queen’s University student card at many grocery stores in Kingston:

  • Metro, 310 Barrie St - 10% discounts on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
  • Loblaws, 1100 Princess Street - 10% back in PC Optimum points every day with a valid PC Optimum card
  • Food Basics, 33 Barrack St. - 10% discount on Tuesdays
  • Bulk Barn, 145 Princess St., 1201 Division St., and 830 Norwest Rd. - 10% discount on Wednesdays

Healthy Eating on a Budget - Tips by Canada’s Food Guide - Healthy eating doesn’t have to cost more. You can choose many different healthy foods when eating on a budget.

Good and Cheap PDF Recipe Book (PDF, 7.7 MB) – by Leanne Brown - Kitchen skill, not budget, is the key to great food. This cookbook is a celebration of the many delicious meals available to those on even the most strict of budgets.

Food Insecurity and Mental Health - A third to one half of students being classified as food insecure globally. This info sheet outlines some of the impacts of food insecurity on mental health, as well as some examples of food security programs that have been developed on campuses across the country.

Housing & Food


Learn more about Queen's residence.

Off-Campus Housing:

Financial Aid and Finances

Office of the University Registrar (OUR) 

The OUR provides all information on fees, awards, registration, exams, student awards (scholarships, bursaries, government financial aid programs), records, tuition and fees, exams, timetabling, student cards, convocation, transcripts, and academic calendars. The OUR is located in Gordon Hall, 1st floor. 

Queen’s offers a range of financial aid, including scholarships, bursaries, loans, and emergency assistance. Visit Financial Aid and Awards to learn what’s available and how to apply.

Academics & Careers

The Guide to Registration and Fees is a comprehensive resource about course selection and registration, enrolment, and tuition/fee payments.  

Need course selection advice? Consult with an academic advisor in your Faculty/School. 

Academic Calendars

Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) for students with disabilities 
Mitchell Hall; main floor.

Academic accommodation planningdocumentation requirementsadaptive technologydisabilityexam support, peer note taking.

If extenuating circumstances like a health condition, family member death, or traumatic event are impacting your academics, you can apply for academic consideration through your faculty/school.

Student Academic Success Services (SASS)
Stauffer Library, main floor 

Professional writing and learning support, general and discipline-specific academic skills workshops and English as a Second Language (ESL) support.  

Career Services
Career Services (3rd floor, Gordon Hall) is the central provider of career education and employment services at Queen’s. Career Services supports and empowers informed decision-making about employment, career direction, further education, and co-curricular goals. Learn more about remote job searching, career guidance, professional development opportunities, and more.

Skills Cards
Skills cards are a physical and digital set of 44 cards. They describe a comprehensive list of skills that Queen’s students can develop during their studies here (both in and outside of classes), and that correlate with skills employers seek.


  • Book appointments
  • Sign-up for events and workshops
  • Browse job postings and apply online

Career Prep Modules
The Career Prep Modules are a series of self-directed resources designed to support your career development on your schedule.

Major Maps
Need help finding your way through Queen’s and beyond? Get major-specific advice on academics, extracurriculars, networking, international opportunities and career development all in one place. Queen's Major Maps provide suggestions - you don’t have to follow all the recommendations. Use them to plan ahead, and find your own way at Queen’s!

Grad Maps
Get program-specific advice on academics, research, networking, building experience, and launching your career all in one place.

Exam Supports

Work one-on-one with staff from Student Academic Success Services (SASS) to get help preparing for exams or to produce engaging papers and reports.

  • Appointments are free
  • You can choose to attend online or in person
  • For undergraduate and graduate students
  • Visit Instagram for additional ways to connect like workshops and events

Staying Healthy for Exams

Where to Study on Campus

In addition to the Queen's Library, individual study seats can be found in several student services spaces.

Exam Schedules

  • Your exam schedule is posted in SOLUS (only in-person locations are listed)
  • Some online exams may be remotely proctored
  • Students writing with exam accommodations are emailed details the month before exams start. Check your email, including junk and clutter folders
  • Questions? Contact the Exams Office

Exam Protocols

Academic & Tech Resources

Campus Bookstore

A not-for-profit corporation for course materials, textbooks, clothing, frames, grad rings, Queen’s and general merchandise and more! Located at 30 5 Field Company Ln, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6

Visit Campus Bookstore Visit Campus Bookstore


Queen's libraries provides access to hundreds of research databases, journals, magazines and newspapers, articles, books, video, music, images, and other content, along with bookable study spaces

Visit the Library Visit the Library

Student IT Services

The IT Support Centre provides technical support for widely used systems and software such as email, web browsers, antivirus software, etc. Walk-in support is available in Mackintosh-Corry Hall Room B205

Visit IT Services Visit IT Services


Student Wellness Services (SWS) offers confidential, integrated health and wellness services to all students. Services include publicly funded physical, sexual, and mental health care, accommodation planning and advocacy for students with disabilities, and peer-led health promotion activities.  SWS can be found in Mitchell Hall, main floor  

Athletics & Recreation (A&R)

Get your minimum weekly recommended 150 minutes of physical activity! The state-of-the-art Athletics and Recreation Centre (ARC), rated A+ in The Globe and Mail’s student satisfaction survey, offers programs for all fitness levels. Intramurals, workouts, pickup sports, or swimming promote healthy living and help manage stress. Full-time students are ARC members and can attend all Gaels regular home season games for free!

Equity, Safety, & Security


Accessibility Services 

Students sitting on the Stauffer Library sign.

Human Rights & Equity



Safety & Security

Connections & Community

Faith and Spiritual Life offers multi-faith, non-judgmental support for religious, spiritual, personal, and financial problems, concerns or crises. Faith and Spiritual Life strives to facilitate a welcoming, peaceful, and safe space. Chaplains also provide support, ceremonial services, interfaith community development and spiritual support to students, faculty, and staff. Find Faith and Spiritual Life in Michell Hall, 2nd floor. 

The Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre (4D) is a home away from home for Queen’s Indigenous community. The centre’s programs include: cultural and wellness programs, events and workshops, 1:1 advising, tutoring, personal support and cultural counselling, elder services, traditional teachings and ceremonies, a kitchen, laundry, and study spaces. Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre is located at: 144-146 Barrie Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 3J9.

The Allyship & Belonging Student Calendar is a central hub for finding and promoting events and initiatives across campus specifically for equity-deserving students and students wanting to become better allies. Students, staff, and faculty are welcome to submit events via the Allyship & Belonging Student Calendar Event Submission Form.

The Queen's Shift Project has created many student opportunities and initiatives which centre equity-deserving student experiences, provide opportunities for dialogue, and improve campus culture at Queen’s.

The Inclusive Queen's website 
Learn about the resources, programs, and new initiatives that are helping us to build a campus that embraces diversity and empowers all members of our community to thrive at Queen’s. 

Queen's University International Centre (QUIC)
The centre provides an informal gathering place for the international members of the Queen’s community to network and receive non-academic advice. Supports and programs are offered to students interested in internationalizing their education on campus or through study, work, or travel abroad. Located in Mitchell Hall, 2nd floor.

Find information on study/work permits, visas, health insurance, entry to Canada, and more.

Orientation hub for international students.

The Ban Righ Centre welcomes women of diverse backgrounds and all ages, especially those returning to university after a time away, and offers community, personal, practical, and financial support. The Ban Righ Centre is located at 32 Bader Ln, Kingston, ON K7L 2S8. 

Student Conduct and Care is comprised of the Student Conduct Office, Non-Academic Misconduct Intake Office, and Care Support Services. The team works with campus partners and students to support a thriving and safe Queen's community by responding to and resolving non-academic misconduct, and by providing services to support holistic student success and well-being.


Yellow House Student Centre for Equity & Inclusion is a safe, comfortable, and accountable space for queer, racialized, and marginalized students to create community, to feel empowered, to empower others, to celebrate, and to honour their histories. Yellow House seeks to engage students in initiatives that actively dismantle oppressive, racist, and colonial ideologies and practices.

Visit the Yellow House's website for resources that empower, build, and support students in the Queer, Trans, Black, Indigenous and People of Colour communities on campus by centralizing and highlighting information and spaces pertinent to QTBIPoC students' lives.

Located at 140 Stuart Street, Kingston, ON K7L 2V8, Canada

Student Government & Extracurriculars

Alma Mater Society (AMS)

Your undergraduate student government. Learn about clubs, the Student Life Centre, the Queen's Journal, Walkhome, job and volunteer opportunities, and more! Located in the the LaSalle Building, 146 Stuart St. 

Learn more about AMS Learn more about AMS

Society of Graduate & Professional Students (SGPS)

Graduate and professional student government, health and dental plan, grants, job and volunteer opportunities, committees, orientation, events, workshops, advisors and more! Located in the second floor of the LaSalle Building, 146 Stuart St.

Learn more about SGPS Learn more about SGPS

Extracurricular Opportunities

Information on how to get involved, become a student leader, clubs, events, opportunities for volunteer and paid positions, and more! 

Learn more about getting involved Learn more about getting involved

Queen's Allyship & Belonging Student Calendar

The Allyship & Belonging Student Calendar is a hub for events and initiatives across campus for equity-deserving students and students wanting to become better allies. (Students should note that some events are open to specific demographics of students only. Use the filter tool to find the right events for you.)

If you wish to submit an event to be included in the Allyship & Belonging Student Calendar, please fill out the Allyship & Belonging Student Calendar Event Submission Form.




Event Presentation
11:15 am - 1:00 pm
St. James Anglican Church, 10 Union Street

Free Soup-To-Go




Event Presentation
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Yellow House - 3rd Floor Rideau

Neurodivergent Spirituali - Tea




Event Presentation
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Interfaith Room, 2nd Floor Mitchell Hall

Note for Note