To offer and foster holistic, diverse opportunities that engage students, support their unique needs and wellbeing, and help them prepare for future success.
Student Affairs promotes a collaborative and responsive campus community where every student and staff member feels a sense of belonging.
Diversity and Inclusivity
Acting with Integrity
Empathy, Compassion, and Respect
Data-Based Decisions
Nurturing and Celebrating Success
Professional staff and trained peer leaders deliver a network of programs, services, and spaces, in alignment with the University Declaration of Commitment to Address Systemic Racism (2020), the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Task Force (2017), and the Campus Wellbeing Framework (2020).
Student Affairs Divisional Goals 2024-25
- Achieve undergraduate enrolment intake targets in 2025
- Implement strategies, actions, and timelines to support international enrolment.
- Continue collaboration with ITS on release and implementation of ECRM to further support recruitment and admission
- Continue to expand outreach/impact with prospective students/families, schools, and partner organizations in underserved communities
- Implement new Youth in Care pathway
- Continue shift to need-based financial aid
- Identify and communicate supports for more students in access pathways (i.e. Access Award and Commitment Bursary recipients) to ease transition and promote retention through communications and programming
- Contribute to student success and progression to maintain sector-leading retention and graduation rates.
- Contribute to strengthening institutional systems/infrastructures to promote student wellbeing, inclusion, and campus safety
- Contribute to implementation of recommendations of the Academic Accommodation Review
- Continue to respond to student mental health crises and increasing volume of cases of complex circumstances
- Continue focus on upstream and early supports for students experiencing difficulty, working closely with campus staff and faculty partners
- Continue to focus on mitigating student food insecurity through collaborative community-building programs
- Continue to work with VPFA to explore housing renewal and development projects, including Gord Brockington Residence, and An Clachan complex to potentially quadruple graduate student housing
- Enable smooth opening, operations, and service delivery for students, working in collaboration with AMS and co-occupants
- Open three retail food outlets (KHAO, Bento Sushi and new in-house Shwarma concept)
- Secure adjusted liquor license for expanded AMS pub/patio, and execute a new Liquor License Operating Agreement with the AMS
- Reopen the 91 residence beds, returning inventory with private bathrooms that are in high demand for accommodation supports, and renewed common spaces across all floors
- Move Student Experience Office back into JDUC, providing a more centralized student support presence on campus
- Open new wellness space, co-located with the AMS and SGPS, to provide health promotion and wellness-related services and activities, including all peer-led programming
- Deliver structurally balanced budget for 2025/26, and balanced budget for the two subsequent years
- Manage within current year’s budget to attain structural balance at year end
- Generate net surplus from hosting second Vanier Cup in Fall 2024
- Implement any Renew Program recommendations
- Support/participate in any institutional initiatives implemented to address financial situation
- Explore student services support for non-credit students and programs in partnership with faculties/schools