Committees & Reports


The Advisory Committee on Academic Accommodations supports Queen's Student Accessibility Services (QSAS) in accommodating students with disabilities. It also supports Student Wellness Services and Queen’s Faculties and Schools in responding to students who require accommodations for other issues. 

Terms of Reference:

The Committee will meet at least once per academic term. The Committee will:

  • Provide feedback and input on QSAS, Student Wellness Services and institutional administrative policies and procedures related to academic accommodations, deferrals and short-term accommodations
  • Share best practices with respect to deferrals and short-term accommodation requests
  • Advise QSAS and Student Wellness Services staff on matters related to essential academic requirements and standards, procedures and processes as they relate to the accommodation process
  • Where appropriate, provide academic-related advice to QSAS and Student Wellness Services related to complex accommodation requests for the purposes of maintaining essential academic requirements and standards

2023–2024 Membership:

  • Ann Tierney (Co-Chair), Vice-Provost & Dean of Student Affairs
  • Gavan Watson (Co-Chair), Vice-Provost (Teaching & Learning)
  • Cynthia Gibney, Executive Director, Student Wellness Services
  • Alan Jeans, Manager, Queen's Student Accessibility Services
  • Amber McCart, Manager, Counselling, Student Wellness Services
  • Stephanie Simpson, Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion)
  • Lavonne Hood, Acting Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion)
  • Norma Barrett, Senior Director, Student Conduct and CARE
  • Andrew Ashby, Manager, Accessibility Services, Human Rights and Equity Office
  • Melissa Seal, Senior Legal Counsel
  • Heather Trojek, Associate Ombudsperson
  • Tracy Al-idrissi, University Registrar
  • Suzanne Arniel, Associate University Registrar, Records and Services
  • Stuart McPherson, Manager, Exams, Teaching Assessment and Convocation
  • Mary Olmstead, QUFA Representative
  • Niki Boytchuk-Hale, Rector
  • Owen Rocchi, President, Alma Mater Society
  • Emils Matiss, President, Society of Graduate and Professional Students
  • Faculty of Arts and Science
    • Jenn Stephenson, Associate Dean (Academic)
    • Janice Johnson, Director, Student Services Division
    • Haley Everson, Associate Director (Advising, Appeals, and Academic Consideration)
    • Pamela Briand, Academic Advisor & Board of Studies Coordinator
  • Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
    • Marianna Kontopoulou, Associate Dean (Academic)
    • Catherine Gurnsey, Program Advisor (Accommodations & Considerations)
  • Faculty of Education
    • Peter Chin, Associate Dean of Teacher Education
    • Stephen Silwa, Executive Program Director, Teacher Education
  • Faculty of Law
    • Philip Drew, Assistant Dean (Juris Doctor and Graduate Legal Studies)
  • Faculty of Health Sciences
    • Christopher Ward, Associate Dean (Studies)
    • Nicola Philbrook, Director, Bachelor of Health Sciences
    • Kate Nelson, Examinations and Academic Considerations Coordinator, Bachelor of Health Sciences
    • Laurie Gedcke-Kerr, Associate Director, Undergraduate Nursing Programs
    • Angela Anthony, Admissions and Student Support Coordinator
  • Smith School of Business
    • Arcan Nalca, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Programs)
    • Mandy Daniel, Director, Student Services, Smith Commerce
    • Angie Loyst, Academic Accommodation & Consideration Coordinator, Smith Commerce
    • Monica Corbett, Director of Admission and Student Services

Reference documents

The Substance Use Working Group is committed to fostering a campus community that supports the well-being of Queen’s students in their substance use choices. Embracing a harm-reduction approach, this group works to coordinate educational initiatives, promote equitable access to support, and implement effective training and policies that help enhance campus safety. The overall goal is to empower students to make informed decisions about substance use, and to provide the knowledge and resources necessary for safe consumption.  


  • To establish an inventory of policies, programs, services and informational resources available to Queen’s students.
  • To review current substance use-related policies, programs, services and relevant information available to students to ensure these reflect the best practices in mental health, are of high quality and are appropriate to students in the campus environment
  • To recommend enhancements to existing programs and services or the creation of new programs and services based on needs and best practices.
  • To develop an outline of future initiatives related to the promotion of responsible substance use on campus
  • To oversee implementation of responsible substance use initiatives on campus

The Substance Use Working Group shall meet at least once per term.

Queen's is a member of Postsecondary Education Partnership – Alcohol Harms (PEP–AH), a national collaborative of Canadian post-secondary institutions, the Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction, and Universities Canada, that aims to reduce alcohol–related harms on campuses.

2024–2025 Membership:

  • Harmun Dhindsa, KFL&A Public Health 
  • Mark Erdman and Michelle Lewis, Integrated Communications  
  • Roan Haggerty-Goede, Alma Mater Society Campus Affairs Commissioner
  • Kate Humphrys, Health Promotion, Student Wellness Services
  • Joel Keenleyside and Chris Scott, Campus Security and Emergency Services
  • Christopher Lund, Athletics & Recreation 
  • Emils Matiss, Society of Graduate and Professional Students President 
  • Kim Murphy, Risk and Safety Services 
  • Kate Murray, Residence Life 
  • Jennifer Pete and Leah Wales, Housing and Ancillary Services 
  • Ellie Sadinsky (Chair), Student Affairs 

Reference document
Queen's University Alcohol Policy, May 26, 2020

Related Links

Campus Observation Room 

The Deans and Designates Orientation Working Group was established in the summer of 2017 to connect representatives and stakeholders in each of the faculties who oversee the planning and implementation of the Queen’s direct-entry undergraduate orientation activities. It is one of many groups working to intentionally enhance the inclusivity and accessibility of orientation activities by establishing a sense of belonging and ease academic transition for all students. This group enhances the intentionality behind orientation and connects the faculties and other stakeholders involved in activities to prevent planning and implementation from taking place in silos.

Terms of Reference

The purpose of the Deans and Designates Orientation Working Group is to execute the shared goals and vision of orientation activities that include community building, inclusivity, accessibility, safety, and responsibility. The group will engage with student associations, student groups and the University in developing frameworks and processes for the implementation of orientation activities. Group accountability lies with the Vice Provost and Dean (Student Affairs) who has operational authority and responsibility for orientation activities as well as with each respective faculty Dean.

The Working Group shall:

  1. Ensure orientation activities are implemented that are consistent with the Goals of Orientation
  2. Regularly communicate expectations with faculty and group heads/chairs, the Alma Mater Society (AMS) and the Division of Student Affairs/Orientation Round Table (DSA-ORT) orientation planning group regarding the orientation planning process
  3. Ensure compliance with the expectations and procedures for safe event planning and risk mitigation, as outlined by Risk and Safety Services
  4. Implement practices that facilitate the sharing of resources including, but not limited to, enforcing major dates and deadlines for hiring and event planning, creating procedures and processes to consistently vet chants, cheers, logos and slogans from all faculty societies and orientation groups
  5. Maintain communication with other groups and stakeholders related to undergraduate orientation
  6. Ensure that the group maintains continuity from year to year and that issues related to the implementation of orientation week activities are addressed by faculty societies and groups
  7. Forward items and information to Senate Orientation Activities Review Board (SOARB) for approval or reporting to the Senate, as appropriate

The Working Group shall keep in mind the following principles:

  • Orientation should focus on the academic and social transition of new students to Queen’s and programming should be inclusive and represent the values of the Queen’s community in order to meet the needs of a diverse student body;
  • Programming should be evaluated to ensure it is effective in meeting the goals of orientation, is safely and efficiently run, and is financially responsible and accessible;
  • Student involvement and student leadership is a valuable element of orientation; and
  • Safe, fun, inclusive, and accessible events are shared goals for all orientation stakeholders.

2023–2024 Membership

  • Cathy Keates (Chair), Assistant Dean, Division of Student Affairs
  • Jenn Stephenson, Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Arts and Science
  • Janice Johnson, Director, Student Services Division, Faculty of Arts and Science 
  • Kevin Deluzio, Professor and Dean, Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science 
  • Stacy Shane, Director, Student Services, Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
  • John McKay, Safety Engineer, Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Peter Chin, Associate Dean of Teacher Education, Concurrent Education
  • Christian Muise, Assistant Professor, Computing
  • Erin Meger, Assistant Professor, Computing
  • Anna van der Meulen, Department Manager and Undergraduate Chair, Kinesiology
  • Jill Takacs, Student Experience Coordinator, Kinesiology
  • Arcan Nalca, Assistant Dean (Teaching and Learning), and Academic Director, Smith Commerce
  • Christeen Paterson, Student Activities Officer, Smith Commerce
  • Nikki Philbrook, Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Undergraduate Chair, and Manager (Admissions Registration Advising) Health Sciences Undergraduate Program, Bachelor of Health Sciences
  • Kori Cembal, Student Experience Coordinator, Bachelor of Health Sciences
  • Laurie Gedcke-Kerr, Associate Director (Undergraduate Nursing Programs), School of Nursing
  • Linda Schmalz, Programs Manager, School of Nursing 

Queen’s University is committed to providing non-judgmental sexual violence support and response. Please visit the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response website for more information and for the Queen's Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Framework document.

The Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Task Force was established in 2013 as the Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Working Group. It is a network of students, faculty, and staff convened to mobilize efforts to prevent and respond to sexual assault on campus. The task force is co-chaired by the Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs and the Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion) and works collaboratively to effect change at the individual, institutional and cultural levels, to contribute to a safer campus environment for Queen’s students.

Task Force Objectives:

  • Provide a forum to discuss emerging issues and initiatives related to sexual assault
  • Collect local and nation-wide information to understand campus context and develop practices
  • Improve communication and information-sharing among campus partners and allies
  • Inventory and suggest enhancements to policies, programs, services and resources
  • Develop and implement campus-wide initiatives to support prevention and response

Membership 2024–2025:

  • Ann Tierney, Vice-Provost and Dean of Student Affairs (Co-Chair)
  • Lavonne Hood, Associate Vice-Principal (Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion) (Co-Chair)
  • Barbara Lotan, Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Coordinator
  • Rebecca Rappeport, SVPR Community Outreach and Student Support Worker
  • Corinna Fitzgerald, Associate Vice-Provost, Student Affairs
  • Heather Trojek, Interim University Ombudsperson
  • Melissa Seal, Senior Legal Counsel
  • Kate Murray, Director, Residence Life
  • Cynthia Gibney, Executive Director, Student Wellness Services
  • Susannah Ireland, Mental Health Counsellor, Student Wellness Services
  • Kate Humphrys, Health Promotion Coordinator, Student Wellness Services
  • Nadia Sawaya Fehr, Psychotherapist, Residence Life/Student Wellness Services
  • Lisa Doxtater, Cultural Counsellor, Four Directions Indigenous Student Centre
  • Molly Raffan, Director, Student Experience Office
  • Murray Skeggs, Manager, Security Risk and Training, Campus Security & Emergency Services
  • Meredith Chivers, Associate Professor, Psychology; Member, Centre for Neuroscience; Director, Sexuality and Gender Laboratory
  • San Anbalagan, Community Education and Outreach Coordinator, Sexual Assault Centre Kingston
  • Theresa Metcalfe, Executive Director, Kingston Interval House
  • Meadow Donnelly-Gillman, Gender-Based Violence Awareness & Bystander Intervention Education Outreach and Operations Student Coordinator
  • Andrew Vukovic, Assistant Director, Sexual Health Resource Centre
  • Anne Fu, Levana Gender Advocacy Centre
  • Ruth Osunde, Vice-President University Affairs, Alma Mater Society
  • Andrew Dam, Walkhome Head Manager
  • Jana Amer, Social Issues Commissioner (Internal), Alma Mater Society
  • Zoya Malik, Manager, Peer Support Centre, Alma Mater Society
  • Amor Adolfo, BIPOC Talk Project Coordinator, Alma Mater Society
  • Roan Haggerty-Goede, Campus Affairs Commissioner, Alma Mater Society
  • Q4P Assistant Manager, Alma Mater Society
  • Uyanda Mntambo, Equity Commissioner, Arts & Science Undergraduate Society
  • Emils Matiss, President, Society of Graduate and Professional Students
  • Uyanda Mntambo, Equity Commissioner, ASUS
  • Jacob Desrochers, PhD Student, Faculty of Education
  • Nikita Arora, Resident Physician
  • Ariel Qi, Medical student

Sexual Violence Involving Queen’s University Students Policy (2020)

Review of the Policy on Sexual Violence Involving Queen's University Students

Interim Sexual Misconduct Policy (2023)

The Queen's Student Mental Health Network is a caucus of student and staff leaders who are working to advance student mental health. The network is a forum through which members share information, collaborate, and provide input to support the development of unit or club-based initiatives, as well as university priorities and commitments, including the implementation of the National Standard of Canada for Mental-Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students, and the broader work of the Campus Wellbeing Framework, aligned with new institutional Strategic Framework.

Visit the Campus Wellness Project website for terms of reference, membership, meeting dates, and more.