People Directory

Associate Professor

(613) 533-6568

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, D421


Research Areas: Sociology of Health and Illness, Disability Studies, Qualitative Health Research, Sociological Theory


Research Areas: Politics of the body, sport, fitness and health; history of sexuality; feminism; gendered embodiment; walking and everyday movement cultures; the politics of parks and public space


Research Areas: Criminology; Young Offenders

Professor and Professor Emeritus


Research Areas: Classical social theory; The ontology of Being; Modernity in the early twentieth century



Research Areas: Science & Technology Studies (reproductive technologies, genetic engineering, human anatomy and manufacture); Feminist Social Thought; Visual Culture

Teaching Fellow

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, D410B

Teaching Fellow

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, D416

Teaching Fellow

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C500

Teaching Fellow

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, C500


Research Areas: Environmental Justice; Women Health & Environment; Local Food Issues/Movements; Gender, Environment & Development in Africa

Assistant Professor


Research Areas: Gender; Sexuality; Race and Ethnicity; Islam; Middle East and North Africa; Social Movements; Political Sociology; Qualitative Methods and Methodologies

Professor and Department Head

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, D424


Research Areas: Sociology of Culture, Media, and Technology; Digital Culture and Society; Visual Culture; Sociology of Consumption and Consumerism   

Teaching Fellow

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, D482

Department Manager

(613) 533-6177

Mackintosh-Corry Hall, B413

Assistant Professor


Research Areas: Muslim women; Sexuality and gender; Globalization; Inequality; South Asia


Research Areas: Sociology of law; Sociology of professions; Work and occupations; Life course research; Quantitative and mixed methods


Research Areas: Body; health; sport