Senate Committee on Academic Development and Procedures

For details on Membership and Current Vacancies for this Committee, please visit the Governance Portal.

Terms of Reference

(Approved 2021)

To formulate and recommend to the Senate principles, policies, and priorities for the academic development of the University.

To formulate, adopt, and oversee rigorous processes for on-going academic planning that are responsive to changing needs in teaching and learning, including the annual monitoring of the implementation of the University's Academic Plan and its periodic revision and renewal.

To make recommendations to the Senate on the establishment of any faculty, school, non-research centres or institutes, departments, or the academic terms of endowed or named chairs/professorships (excluding named research chairs that are primarily funded by external granting agencies), and approve minor changes to the academic terms of reference of such chairs/professorships on behalf of the Senate from time to time.

To make recommendations to the Senate on the academic quality and financial implications of proposals from faculties, schools, centres, and institutes, for new programs of study leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate.

To make recommendations to the Senate on proposals from faculties, schools, centres, and institutes for changes that substantially alter existing programs of study.

To make recommendations to the Senate on amendments to Queen's University Quality Assurance Processes (QUQUAP).

To advise on university-wide admission policies.

To make recommendations to the Senate on proposed names, or changes thereto, of academic units, academic degrees and/or academic programs/plans.

To make recommendations to the Senate on the proposed enrolment plans developed by the Strategic Enrolment Management Group.

To recommend policies on academic integrity to the Senate and to approve procedures developed to implement these policies. To report annually to Senate on university-wide academic integrity statistics. 

To approve annually sessional dates on behalf of Senate.

To advise Senate on matters pertaining to the publication of the University Calendars.

To recommend to the Senate a policy outlining standards for conducting examinations.

To examine and approve grading systems throughout the University.

To recommend to the Senate policy on the content of the student transcript.

To recommend to the Senate a policy outlining standards for Convocations.

To approve, on behalf of the Senate, Faculty Board-certified lists of degrees, diplomas and certificates.

To approve, on behalf of the Senate, the design of new academic hoods. 


Subcommittee on Academic Integrity

Subcommittee on Examinations

Subcommittee on Academic Calendars

Meeting Dates 2024-2025

SCADP Meeting Date Materials Deadline (NOON)
September 5, 2024 August 27, 2024
October 1, 2024 September 23, 2024
November 7, 2024 October 30, 2024
December 2, 2024 November 21, 2024
January 8, 2925 December 18, 2024
February 4, 2025 January 24, 2025
March 4, 2025 February 21, 2025
March 26, 2025 March 17, 2025
April 29, 2025 April 21, 2025

Secretary: C. O'Brien

Analytical Lenses for Evaluating Agenda Items


Members of the Senate Committee on Academic Development and Procedures (SCADP) use the following principles for evaluation of agenda items. Each analytical lens is directly linked to SCADP’s responsibilities, as outlined in the terms of reference.

1. Process and Compliance Lens:

  • Due Process: Ensure proposals follow all required steps, including consultations and alignment with university policies. This aligns with SCADP’s role in overseeing academic planning processes (Term 2, 5).
  • Policy Adherence: Verify that proposals adhere to established policies, including Queen's University Quality Assurance Processes (QUQUAP) and academic integrity standards (Term 6, 9).

2. Strategic Alignment Lens:

  • University Priorities: Assess how well proposals align with the university’s strategic priorities, including the Academic Plan, as part of SCADP’s responsibility to monitor the Academic Plan’s implementation and revision (Term 1, 2).
  • Long-Term Impact: Consider the long-term academic and strategic implications of proposals in supporting the university’s goals (Term 1, 4, 5).

3. Academic Quality and Innovation Lens:

  • Quality Assurance: Evaluate whether proposals meet or exceed academic quality standards. This is central to SCADP’s role in reviewing new program proposals and changes to existing programs (Term 4, 5, 6).
  • Innovation: Encourage innovative approaches to teaching, learning, and research that respond to changing academic needs (Term 2).

4. Financial and Resource Lens:

  • Financial Implications: Consider the financial impact of proposals, including costs and benefits. This links to SCADP’s responsibility to consider the financial implications of new programs (Term 4).
  • Resource Allocation: Consider the efficient use of resources and the sustainability of initiatives (Term 4).

5. I-EDIAA Lens (Indigenization, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, and Accessibility):

  • Inclusivity: Ensure proposals promote inclusivity and accessibility. This aligns with SCADP’s broader role in promoting a diverse and inclusive academic environment (Term 1, 2).
  • I-EDIAA Impact: Evaluate how proposals contribute to the university’s commitment to Indigenization, equity, diversity, inclusion, anti-racism, and accessibility (Term 1).

6. Risk and Feasibility Lens:

  • Risk Assessment: Identify potential risks associated with proposals and ensure that these are adequately addressed. This is part of SCADP’s role in overseeing the development of new programs and academic units (Term 3, 4, 5).
  • Feasibility: Consider whether proposals are realistic and achievable within the proposed timeframe and resources (Term 4).

SCADP Roles and Responsibilities

1. Academic Development and Strategic Planning:

  • Formulate and Recommend Principles and Policies: Develop and recommend principles, policies, and priorities for the academic development of the university to the Senate (Term 1).
  • Ongoing Academic Planning: Oversee and formulate rigorous processes for ongoing academic planning, ensuring responsiveness to changing needs in teaching and learning, and monitor implementation of the Academic Plan (Term 2).
  • Periodic Revision of the Academic Plan: Oversee the periodic revision and renewal of the University’s Academic Plan to ensure alignment with strategic priorities (Term 2).

2. Academic Structures and Programs:

  • New Academic Units: Recommend the establishment of new faculties, schools, centres, departments, and academic chairs/professorships, and approve minor changes to the terms of reference of such positions (Term 3).
  • New Program Proposals: Assess the academic quality and financial implications of proposals for new programs leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate (Term 4).
  • Changes to Existing Programs: Evaluate and recommend changes that substantially alter existing programs of study (Term 5).

3. Quality Assurance and Policy Development:

  • Amend Quality Assurance Processes: Recommend amendments to Queen’s University Quality Assurance Processes (QUQUAP) (Term 6).
  • Academic Integrity and Policies: Develop and recommend policies on academic integrity, grading systems, student transcripts, examination standards, and convocation standards (Term 9, 12, 13, 14).
  • Admissions and Enrolment: Advise on university-wide admission policies and recommend enrolment plans developed by the Strategic Enrolment Management Group (Term 7, 8).

4. Approval and Advisory Roles:

  • Dates and Academic Approvals: Approve sessional dates and Faculty Board-certified lists of degrees, diplomas, and certificates (Term 10, 17).
  • University Calendars and Naming: Advise on the publication of University Calendars and recommend names or changes to the names of academic units, degrees, and programs/plans (Term 11).
  • Academic Hoods: Approve the design of new academic hoods (Term 18).