Checklist of Essential Ingredients for Senate Reports

Accessibility Considerations

Queen’s is committed to an inclusive campus community with accessible goods, services, and facilities that respect the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities. As part of these efforts, it is requested that all documents submitted to Senate adhere to the complete guidelines found on the Accessibility Hub. While these are subject to occasional change, and should be consulted, in general the following key principles will apply:

  • Use a 12 point font in all documents
  • Use a Sans Serif font in all documents and be consistent with that font throughout
  • Make sure that all information conveyed with colour can also be conveyed without colour
  • Sample Template (Word 31KB)


  • Select a subject line to reflect content
  • Include name of committee/group preparing report
  • Indicate the date of the Committee Meeting and the date of the Senate meeting

1. Purpose

  • Indicate if the item is being presented for either Action, Discussion, or Information

2. Motion

  • For approval items, please draft a motion in consultation with the Secretariat
  • For discussion items, please state "This report is for discussion" and include a few key questions you want Senators to keep in mind
  • For information items, please state "This report is for information only"

3. Executive Summary

  • For items requiring approval, please summarize the key facts supportive of the report's recommendations.
  • For discussion and information items, please include a short summary of the report's contents.


4. Analysis

  • Describe the issues, problems and concerns identified .


5. Membership

  • List members of committee/group, identifying chair.

Recent agendas provide examples of committee reports and other information submitted to the Senate.


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