Tuesday, 25 September 2012, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202
Opening Session
[Action][Action][Action][Information][Information][Information][Information][Information]- Appointment of the Secretary of the Senate (PDF*, 491 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 22 May 2012(PDF*, 387 KB) (Appendix B, page 2)
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- Principal's Report (Appendix C, page 18)
- Schedule Highlights May-September 2012 (PDF*, 785 KB)
- Non-Academic Discipline System (PDF*, 577 KB)
- Provost's Report
- Proposed Mandate Statement
- Queen's Initiative Campaign Launch
- Presentation by VP (Advancement) T. Harris
- Other Reports requested by Senate
- Senate Committee Agenda Topics (PDF*, 285 KB) (Appendix D, page 24)
Question Period
(Appendix E, page 28)- From Senator Bridges, regarding student initiation of AI investigations. Oral response. (PDF*, 461 KB)
- From Senator Jones, regarding Justice Iacobucci's advice to Senate, Strategic Mandate Agreements and Commercial Advertisements on campus. Oral responses. (PDF*, 460 KB)
- From Senator Morelli, regarding the status of the Provost's investigations into allegations of research misconduct by HEQCO and Queen's. Oral responses. (PDF*, 469 KB)
Reports of Committees (Action items first)
- Nominating (Appendix F, page 31)
- Election to Committees (PDF*, 252 KB)
- Academic Development(Appendix G, page 32)
- 2011-2012 Omnibus Report (PDF*, 245 KB)
- Academic Procedures(Appendix H, page 33)
- Annual Report 2011-2012 (PDF*, 245 KB)
- Academic Integrity cases reviewed 2011-2012 (PDF*, 245 KB)
- Creative Arts and Public Lectures (Appendix I, page 35)
- Annual Report Update (PDF*, 253 KB)
- Educational Equity(Appendix J, page 36)
- Annual Report 2011-2012 (PDF*, 361 KB)
- Nominating (Appendix F, page 31)
Report of Faculties
- None received
- None received
- Biological Communication Centre - change of Entity Status (PDF*, 272 KB) (Appendix K, page 39)
- Conservation Genetics Group - Closure (PDF*, 266 KB) (Appendix L, page 40)
- Research Report (PDF*, 495 KB) (Appendix M, page 41)
- 2012 Exit Poll
Matters Referred to Standing Committees
(Appendix N, page 54)- Athletics and Recreation Non-Academic Discipline Annual Report 2011-2012
[Referred to the Senate Committee on Non-Academic Discipline (SONAD)] (PDF*, 658 KB) - Postgraduate Medical Education Assessment, Promotion and Appeals Policy 2012
[Referred to the Senate Committee on Academic Procedures (SCAP)] (PDF*, 330 KB) - Non-Academic Discipline System
[Referred to the Senate Committee on Non-Academic Discipline (SONAD)] (PDF*, 354 KB)
- Athletics and Recreation Non-Academic Discipline Annual Report 2011-2012
Other Business
Closed Session - CONFIDENTIAL
[Action]- Report of the Honorary Degrees Committee (Appendix O*, page 68]
*Appendix O distributed electronically via QShare