Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202
Immediately preceding the Senate meeting: Queen's University's New Budget Planning Model
Time: 2:30-3:30 pm Location: Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202
Opening Session
[Action][Action]- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes of the meetings of 28 February 2012 (PDF*, 396 KB) and 27 March 2012 (PDF*, 343 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- Principal's Report (Appendix B, page 17) (PDF*, 645 KB)
- Provost's Report (Appendix C, page 20)
[Information]Tuition Fee Report (PDF*, 630 KB)
- Other Reports requested by Senate
- None
Question Period
None Received -
Reports of Committees (Action items first)
- Academic Development (Appendix D, page 28)
[Action]Enrolment Plan 2012-2013 (PDF*, 646 KB)
- Advisory Research (Appendix E, page 34)
[Action]Cancer Research Institute five-year review (PDF*, 1427 KB)
- Senate will move into Informal Session
[Discussion: 30 minutes]
- Strategic Research Plan update(PDF*, 630 KB)
- Senate will resume regular business
- Queen's University Planning Committee
[Information]Oral report by the Provost
- Academic Development (Appendix D, page 28)
Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
[Information]- School of Religion (PDF*, 510 KB) (Appendix F, page 58)
[Notice of Motion]- Queen's University Strategic Research Plan(PDF*, 502 KB) (Appendix G, page 60)
Communications and Reports Submitted to Senate
[Information]- New Senators 2012 (PDF*, 260 KB) (Appendix H, page 61)
- Sustainable Bioeconomy Centre (SBC) (PDF*, 508KB) (Appendix I, page 62)
- Research Report(PDF*, 459 KB) (Appendix J, page 63)
Matters Referred to Standing Committees
- (Appendix K, page 67)
- Five-year review of the Centre for Health Services and Policy Research [Referred to the Senate Advisory Research Committee (SARC)] (PDF*, 6518 KB)
- Proposal for a new Graduate Field of Studies in Art History and Art Conservation in the PhD Program in Art History [Referred to the Senate Committee on Academic Development (SCAD)]
Other Business
- None
Closed Session
- Not Required
G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate
*PDF files can be viewed using Adobe Reader.