Monday, 24 October 2011, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202
Opening Session
[Action][Action][Information]- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes of the 27 September 2011 Meeting (PDF, 404 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- None
- Principal's Report
- Provost's Report (Appendix B, page 10)
- a) Report to Senate (PDF, 302 KB)
- Other Reports Requested by Senate
- Council of Ontario Universities (COU) meeting, October 14, 2011 - Oral report by Senator Oosthuizen, Academic Colleague
- Board of Trustees meeting (PDF, 280 KB), September 23-24, 2011 (Appendix C, page 12)
- Council of Ontario Universities (COU) meeting, October 14, 2011 - Oral report by Senator Oosthuizen, Academic Colleague
Question Period
- None Received
Reports of Committees (Action items first)
- Academic Development (Appendix D, page 14)
[Action]Degree Name Changes in Queen’s School of Business and the School of Graduate Studies (PDF, 414 KB)
- Establishment of the Hazell Research Professorship in Chemical Design and Innovation (PDF, 723 KB) in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
- Academic Procedures (Appendix E, page 28)
[Action]Senate Policy on Academic Integrity Procedures (PDF, 283 KB) – Requirements of Faculties and Schools
- Nominating (Appendix F, page 30)
[Action]Elections (PDF, 262 KB)
[Notice of Motion]Academic Planning Task Force (Appendix G, page 31)
- Notice of Motion (PDF, 330 KB)
- Queen's University Academic Plan 2011 (PDF, 805 KB)
- Queen's University Planning Committee
[Information]Oral Report by the Provost
- Academic Development (Appendix D, page 14)
Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
- None received
Appendix H, page 86)[Action][Action][Action][Notice of Motion]- Reconsideration of the official grading system of Queen’s University (PDF, 257 KB) – submitted by Senator Morelli
- Reconsideration of Deputy Provost membership on Senate (PDF, 295 KB) - Submitted by Senator Morelli
- Senate composition and the Guiding Principle (PDF, 513 KB) - Submitted by Senator Morelli
- Motions pertaining to the Academic Planning Task Force (PDF, 292 KB) - Submitted by Senator Morelli
Communications and Reports Submitted to Senate
[Information]- Research Report (PDF, 728 KB) (Appendix I, page 94)
Matters Referred to Standing Committees
(Appendix J, page 98)[Information]- Five-Year Review of the Queen's Cancer Research Institute (PDF, 678 KB) [referred to the Senate Advisory Research Committee (SARC) and the Queen's University Planning Committee (QUPC)]
Other Business
- None Received
Closed Session
- Not Required
G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate