Meeting of the Senate
Wednesday 20 May 2009, 9:30 a.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202
Opening Session
- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 23 April 2009 (PDF*, 360 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- Chair's Report
- Other Reports
[Information]Research Report (PDF*, 511 KB) (Appendix B, page 8)
[Information]Board of Trustees Meeting, May 2, 2009 (PDF*, 233 KB) (Appendix C, page 16)
[Information]Presentation by Senator Deane, Vice-Principal (Academic) on “Contexts and Imperatives for Reviewing the Curriculum – A Discussion Paper”
Question Period (Appendix D, page 17)
- From Senator Christie (PDF*, 278 KB), QUFA President, requesting a written report of the University Solicitor’s opinion about the role of the Deans and Senate. Oral response to be provided by Principal Williams.
- From Senator Christie, QUFA President, regarding the Board of Trustees and changes to the governing structure of Queen’s University. Oral response to be provided by Principal Williams.
Reports of Committees
- Academic Development (Appendix E, page 18)
[Action]Proposed change to Degree Name Designation: Master of Applied Science in the Faculty of Applied Science (PDF*, 377 KB)
[Action]Proposal to introduce QBridge: Proposed Queen’s University English Bridging Program(PDF*, 406 KB)
[Action]Governing Framework of the School of Graduate Studies (PDF*, 397 KB)
[Information]Motions from Senators Rouget and J. Welsh – Oral report from Senator Deane, Vice-Principal (Academic) [Original referral can be found as Appendix N, page 143 of the April 23, 2009 Agenda
- Academic Development & Budget Review (Appendix F, page 51)
- Academic Procedures (Appendix G, page 66)
[Action]Official Credit Unit Weighting and Grading at Queen’s University (PDF*, 233 KB)
[Information]Reading Week 2010 (PDF*, 250 KB)
[Information]Syllabus Bank (PDF*, 251 KB)
- Agenda (Appendix H, page 72)
[Action]Amendment to 2009-2010 Meeting Dates (PDF*, 230 KB)
- Budget Review (Appendix I, page 73)
[Information]Annual Report 2008-2009 (PDF*, 305 KB)
- Library (Appendix J, page 76)
[Information]Annual Report (PDF*, 425 KB)
- Nominating (Appendix K, page 80)
[Action]Election (PDF*, 230 KB)
- Academic Development (Appendix E, page 18)
Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
None Received
None Received
Communications (Appendix L, page 81)
[Information]New Senators 2009-2010 (PDF*, 223 KB)
Matters Referred to Standing Committees (Appendix M, page 82)
- Proposed Amendments to the Centre for Neuroscience Studies Constitution (PDF*, 260 KB) [Referred to the Senate Advisory Research Committee (SARC)]
Other Business
None Received
Closed Session – CONFIDENTIAL ( * * Appendix N, page 84)
[Action]Report of the Honorary Degrees Committee
G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate
*PDF files can be viewed using Adobe Reader.