Meeting of the Senate
Thursday 18 February 2010, 3:30 p.m.
Robert Sutherland Hall, Room 202
Opening Session
- Adoption of Agenda
- Adoption of the Minutes of the Meeting of 28 January 2010 (PDF*, 317 KB) (Appendix A, page 1)
- Business Arising from the Minutes
- Chair's Report
[Information]Other Reports
- Research Report (PDF*, 415 KB) (Appendix B, page 9)
[10 minutes]COU Orientation by Academic Colleague, Senator Oosthuizen
Question Period (Appendix C, page 10)
- From Senator Christie (PDF*, 230 KB), Regarding Review Process for the Academic Plan
Reports of Committees
- Academic Development (Appendix D, page 11)
[Action]Faculty of Applied Science Name Change (PDF*, 364 KB)
- Advisory Research (Appendix E, page 17)
[Action]Proposed Amendments to the SNOLAB Institute Constitution (PDF*, 1,773 KB)
- Agenda (Appendix F, page 37)
[Action]Senate Meeting Dates 2010-2011 (PDF*, 249 KB)
- Operations Review
[Information]University Planning Committee Proposal (UPC) - Oral Update from the Chair
- Academic Development (Appendix D, page 11)
Reports of Faculties and Affiliated Colleges
None Received
None Received
Communications (Appendix G, page 38)
[Information]Annual Report of the Council on Employment Equity (PDF*, 1,797 KB)
[Discussion]UN Invites Universities to Sign Academic Impact Statement (PDF*, 431 KB)
Matters Referred to Standing Committees
None Received
Other Business
None Received
Closed Session
Not Required
G. Moore
Secretary of the Senate
*PDF files can be viewed using Adobe Reader.