NOTE: Due to current financial pressures and resource constraints, we are not able to support filming requests for the foreseeable future.
Category: Administration and Operations
Approval: VPOC
Responsibility: Vice-Principal (Finance and Operations)
Table of Contents
A. Purpose/Reason for Policy
To provide a comprehensive policy with respect to filming on Queen’s University’s campus so that the campus, related property, and/or facilities can be used by external film production companies with minimal disruption to students, faculty, and staff.
B. Scope of this Policy
The Film Policy applies to external film production companies/agencies and public broadcasting organizations wishing to use Queen’s campus, related property, and/or facilities for the production of feature-length and short films, documentaries, television programs, web-based programs, and commercials.
The Film Policy does not apply to news or sport media and/or public affairs coverage, including webcasting, of university events, research, activities, and Queen’s-related sports/sports promotion or personalities.
The Film Policy does not apply to productions by students for the purposes of fulfilling course requirements or for projects undertaken by sanctioned student societies or clubs.
C. Policy Statement
Queen’s University recognizes that the use of its campus, related properties, and/or facilities for film production requires the establishment of a careful balance between minimizing disruption of normal university activities as a result of filming, and facilitating access to exterior and interior spaces under the control of the university while providing services such as parking, catering, and security.
To assist film production companies and public broadcasting institutions in creating educational and public interest programs, the university requires the signing of a formal contract with the company in question to confirm a filming agreement.
Filming is normally not permitted during weekdays of the academic year (September to April), although consideration will be given to filming on weekends during this period if there are no major events taking place on campus during the requested timeframe and if the physical resources of the university are available.
While on campus, all production company personnel must abide by university rules and regulations and cooperate with students, faculty, staff, and other campus visitors.
D. Responsibilities
Overall Authority:
Office of the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration)
Event Services:
Provision and approval of Schedule A of film contract. Coordination and logistics of filming location and venue requirements. Cost recovery and revenue generation for Event Services, coordination/venue and equipment rentals, custodial charges, and other internal or external service providers identified. Provide direction to staff from Physical Plant Services, Parking, Environmental Health and Safety, and Campus Security, if required, regarding operations and logistics.
University Relations:
Prior to filming approval being granted review and approval of storyboard, script or acceptable outline, use of any visual identity assets such as logo, trademarks, photography, and campus physical markers and buildings that may identify or associate the Queen’s University brand(s) and reputation with the final production or product promotion. Review final production for compliance if set as a condition of approval. Arrange for suitable subject matter expert to review accuracy of facts relating to Queen’s, or Queen’s research.
Liaise with the production company in question (via VPFA) to ensure adequate coverage and policies are in place for the duration of filming.
Campus Security and Emergency Services:
Liaise with the production company in question (via VPFA) to determine whether security services will be required and to determine their scope. Ensure an estimated cost for required services is included in the film contract.
Physical Plant Services/Parking:
Liaise with the production company in question (via VPFA) to determine parking, equipment, and utilities requirements. Ensure an estimated cost for required services is included in the film contract.
Legal Counsel:
Provision of a film contract between the university and production company for execution, and provide advice on a case-by-case basis.
Contact Officer: Director of Risk Management and the Office of the Vice-Principal (Finance and Administration)
Date for Next Review: Fall 2022
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines: n/a
Policies Superseded by This Policy: n/a