
SAW Lab includes a mix of radio-frequency (RF) equipment to measure and power SAW devices coupled with a number of lasers for optical measurements. The laser sources include pulsed and tuanble diode lasers for photoluminescence experiments, and a high coherence Nd:YAG laser for interferometric surface mapping of the SAWs. Out optical detection spans optical thorough the 1500nm infrared regime used by telecommunications, including single photon detectors. We use a closed cycle cryostat that, with the push of a button, can cool the sample down to 5K. As well...

The Queen's Nanophotonics Research Centre is undergoing final renovations and will be ready soon!

NanoFabrication Kingston (NFK) is located at Queen's Innovation Park. This is where our SAW devices and Phononic Crystal devices are fabricated.

Sagnac interferometer maps SAWs to nanometer heights.