Research | Queen’s University Canada

Health, Wellness and the Determinants of Human Health

October 2, 2018
October 2, 2018
September 7, 2018

Understanding how blood vessels, the heart and inflammation processes function in healthy people and in subjects with heart disease: this research will lead to increased insight into the pathways that regulate the cardiovascular system and to potential new strategies for treating heart disease.

September 7, 2018

Interdisciplinary study of human sexuality, gender, and sex: this research will help us to better understand sexuality as an important phenomena in people’s lives and our culture.

July 9, 2018

Using neuroimaging techniques to investigate what happens in the human brain when we retrieve memories: this research may improve our understanding of the impacts of brain injury, our ability to design educational approaches, and the treatment of intrusive memory disorders.

July 9, 2018

The study of Natural Killer (NK) cells in the development of diseases such as pulmonary arterial hypertension: this research could lead to the creation of new immune-based treatments that could reverse changes made in a person’s lungs.

July 9, 2018

Developing new ways to diagnose and treat chronic pelvic pain and inflammation, restoring quality of life to millions of Canadians who currently suffer from this painful condition, and ensuring health dollars are spent wisely when treating this problem.

July 9, 2018

Measuring and analyzing eye movements to gain insight into brain function and dysfunction: this research will identify new biomarkers for diagnosing neurological and psychiatric conditions, and may lead to new treatments that improve cognitive function.

July 9, 2018

Studying the geographic dimensions of urban space, justice, and rights to better understand and support the health and well-being of marginalized populations: this research supports policy development for more equitable urban environments so that all Canadians have equal opportunities to enjoy healthy, vibrant communities, no matter where they live.

July 9, 2018

Exploring the molecular aspects of blood coagulation: this research will lead to better ways to diagnose and treat patients with bleeding disorders.


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