Queen's Department of Political Studies is very pleased to announce the appointment of Boyoon Lee to the position of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2024. 

Boyoon Lee is currently completing a postdoctoral fellowship at Vanderbilt University, and received her PhD in Political Science from Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Lee describes her current research focus as follows:

My scholarship is situated in comparative politics, particularly focusing on public opinion and the political economy of migration. Specifically, I study the determinants of migration-related preferences and attitudes as well as how socio-economic inequality is intertwined with migration decisions and behaviors, with a regional focus on Asia and the Americas. Methodologically, my research employs various types of experiments and causal inference methods for observational data.

I am currently working on four major projects on the politics of immigration in East Asia and Latin America, which focus on (1) pathways through which political elites influence attitudes towards immigrants (e.g., educational content, political speech, historical narratives, and institutions), (2) sources of discrimination against migrants who share similar backgrounds (e.g., return migrants and co-ethnic migrants), (3) the link between migration and inequality (e.g., unequal impacts of climate change or the housing market), and (4) economic motivations behind migration preferences (e.g., firms' preferences).

Please join us in warmly welcoming Boyoon Lee to the Department of Political Studies!

photo of Boyoon Lee