Congratulations to Dr. Stéfanie von Hlatky on her recent appointment to NATO's Civil Society Advisory Panel on Women, Peace, and Security.  The advisory panel meets under the leadership of Irene Fellin, the NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace, and Security. 

About the Civil Society Advisory Panel: 

The CSAP was first established in 2016. In 2023, Allies agreed to revise its terms of reference to increase its representation and inclusiveness, and expand its areas of expertise to include gender implications related to climate change, cyber security, emerging disruptive technologies and counterterrorism. It comprises 24 civil society experts from across the Alliance, partner nations, and conflict-affected regions, from diverse backgrounds working on women's rights, peacebuilding, human rights advocacy, community leadership and mediation.

[From: NATO starts talks with civil society on Women, Peace and Security Policy update]

NATO CSAP meeting

On January 18 and 19, 2024, NATO held its first talks with Civil Society representatives on the update of NATO’s policy on Women, Peace and Security. Photo credit: NATO