Quinn Albaugh

Quinn Albaugh

Assistant Professor


B.A., McGill University, M.A., McGill University, M.A. & Ph.D., Princeton University

Political Studies

Canadian Politics, Gender and Politics

Assistant Professor

People Directory Affiliation Category


To contact Dr. Albaugh regarding POLS384 matters, please email POLS384@queensu.ca.

Research Interests

Canadian Politics; Parties, Elections, and Representation; Gender and Sexuality Politics; LGBTQ+ Politics; Provincial Politics; Political Behaviour; Qualitative, Quantitative, and Multi-Method Research

Quinn Albaugh would be interested in supervising graduate students in the areas of (1) Canadian political parties; (2) candidate selection in Canadian federal, provincial, and municipal parties; (3) gender and sexuality in Canadian party politics; (4) the representation of marginalized groups (including BIPOC, women, LGBTQ2S+ people, disabled people, and the working class) in Canadian federal, provincial or municipal provincial politics, (5) public opinion on LGBTQ2S+ issues in Canada and/or the United States, and (6) LGBTQ2S+ political behaviour in Canada and/or the United States. I encourage you to visit https://www.qalbaugh.com/supervision for more information on applying to Queen's.

Brief Biography

Quinn Albaugh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Studies. She holds a Ph.D. in Politics and Social Policy from Princeton University. Broadly speaking, her research focuses on parties, elections, and representation in Canada in a comparative perspective. Her work tends to focus on themes of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, and class inequalities. She is currently working on a book project entitled Gatekeeping: How and Why Party Organizations Improve the Representation of Marginalized Groups. In addition, she is working on three major projects on LGBTQ politics, which focus on (1) LGBTQ candidates and representation, (2) LGBTQ linked fate and political behaviour, and (3) the political attitudes and behaviour of trans and nonbinary people.


For detailed information about political studies courses and instructors, please refer to the Undergraduate and Graduate pages. 

Service (2024/2025)

  • Departmental Committee
  • Graduate Committee
  • Queen's University Faculty Association (QUFA) Representative

Selected Publications

Albaugh, Quinn M., and Elizabeth Baisley. 2023. "Gender and LGBT Affinity Effects: The Case of Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne." Politics & Gender, FirstView.

Albaugh, Quinn M. 2022. “Gatekeeping by Central and Local Party Actors: Theory and Evidence from a Field Study of New Brunswick Nominations, 2017-2018.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 55 (3): 561–582.

Everitt, Joanna and Quinn M. Albaugh. 2022. “The Origins of Gender-Targeted Public Finance Measures: The Case of New Brunswick, Canada.” European Journal of Politics and Gender 5(1): 127-144.

Albaugh, Quinn M. 2018. “The Americanization of Canadian Political Science? Doctoral Training of Canadian Political Science Faculty." Canadian Journal of Political Science 50(1): 243-262.

Stuart N. Soroka, Olga Redko and Quinn Albaugh. 2015. “Television in the Legislature: The Impact of Cameras in the House of Commons." Parliamentary Affairs 68(1): 203-217.

Albaugh, Quinn and Christopher Waddell. 2014. “Social Media and Political Inequality." In Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up, eds. Elisabeth Gidengil and Heather Bastedo. Vancouver: UBC Press.

Bastedo, Heather, Quinn Albaugh and Alex Marland. 2014. “The Story Behind the Story: Evaluating the Content of Political News." In Canadian Democracy from the Ground Up, eds. Elisabeth Gidengil and Heather Bastedo. Vancouver: UBC Press.