Alex Hadwen (he/him)
BASc in Mechanical Engineering (candidate) | Queen's University
Alex worked in conjunction with the Computational Materials Lab and Keyvan Ferasat on the prediction of mechanical bone properties using the lattice element method. He is currently working on a year-long internship in Calgary, Alberta, working with Crescent Point Energy and will be returning to Queen's University with a course focus in Biomechanical Engineering.
Alex's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Angelique Iannuzzi
Angelique was involved in the Mechanical Testing of Polyurethane Foam for Bone Surrogate project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the Winter 2024 semester.
Anna Forman-Willms (she/her)
BASc in Mechanical Engineering (candidate) | Queen's University
Anna conducted research on total hip replacements to determine the source of failure in patients using AI machine learning algorithms.
Anna's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Ben Halverson
Ben was involved in the Digital Image Correlation for Validation of Finite Element Analysis of Dental Implant Insertion project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the Winter 2021 semester.
Brian Kunath (he/him)
MASc. and BASc. in Mechanical and Materials Engineering | Queen's University
During his graduate degree, Brian's research project focused on the design and validation of a 3D printable bioreactor system for studying trabecular bone mechanics and remodeling behavior in response to mechanical stimulation during long-term bone organ culture studies. Bioreactor validation studies included a series of experiments to assess the effect of long-term MED610 material indirect and direct contact on Saos-2 cell line viability and a 21-day trabecular bone organ culture study to assess bioreactor functionality and effect of daily cyclic exercise loading on bone core apparent elastic modulus.
Brian's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Carla Winsor (she/her)
PhD Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MS Biomedical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MS Mechanical Enginering, University of Wisconsin-Madison; MS Engineering Mechanics, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Bachelors of Business Administration, University of New Mexico; and BS Mechanical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology
Carla's research sought to understand how to best define bone mechanical properties from CT examinations for use in finite element analyses. Carla is currently serving as a Lecturer (School of Engineering and Cyber Systems) at the United States Coast Guard Academy. In her limited time for scholarship, she continues to research the calibration of CT scans to measure bone mineral density. Carla also has expertise in educational research and applies systems engineering to increase retention, align students with supporting resources, and improve the curriculum.
Carla's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Caroline Baril (she/her)
BASc in Mechanical Engineering | Queen's University
Caroline studied the porosity of antibiotic-loaded acrylic bone cement. She also performed morphological and micromechanical analyses of Argopecten Purpuratus under climate change scenarios using micro-CT and used micro-CT to characterise trabecular bone cores. Caroline is currently the Program Manager of Queen's Women in Engineering at Queen's University.
Caroline's LinkedIn Profile | email:

Eli Park
Eli was involved in the Dental Implant Anchorage project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the Winter 2024 semester.
Erin Huitema
BASc Biomechanical Engineering, MASc Biomechanical Engineering | Queen's University
Ignacia Munoz Brautigam
Julia Funk
Julia was involved in the Finite Element Analysis of Bone Scaffold in Compression project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the summer of 2020.
Kail Beloglowka (he/him)
MASc and BASc in Mechanical Engineering | Queen's University
Kail worked on developing ex vivo experiments to measure mechanical property changes over time in trabecular bone in response to mechanical loading. He then used micro-CT based FEA models to determine if local mechanical stimuli in trabeculae can predict these changes. Kail's current job is with Providence Health Care in the Cardiac CT Core Laboratory as a CT analyst and research coordinator. He works with industry sponsors in the human trials stage of cardiac valve development to determine if patients are eligible for implantation based on their CT images.
Kail's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Kenna Bartlett (she/her)
MASc in Biomedical Engineering, BASc in Mechanical Engineering | Queen's University
Kenna retrospectively assessed the impact of sex on proximal femur morphology in 219 hip resurfacing arthroplasty patients. She designed a novel workflow to quantify the three-dimensional femoral morphology using preoperative CT scans.
Kenna is passionate about sex inequalities in engineering design, especially with medical devices.
Kenna's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Kevin Nguyen (he/him)
BASc in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, MASc in Mechanical and Materials Engineering with a specialization in Biomechanical Engineering | Queen's University
In collaboration with orthopaedic surgeons, Kevin has conducted various pre-clinical biomechanical studies related to hip, elbow, and shoulder implants. Currently, he is investigating whether the micromotion between the bone surrogate-implant interface provides adequate osseointegration for total ankle arthroplasty.
Kevin's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Katrina Hamburger
Katrina was involved in the Four-point Bend Testing of Bone Surrogate project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the summer of 2019.
Lacey Wice
BEng Mechanical Engineering and Society (Minor in Biology) | McMaster University, Master's of Anatomical Sciences | Queen's University
During Lacey's anatomy degree at Queens, her project led her to the BJBL lab when she decided to build upon a Biomechanical simulator within the lab, embalming and testing her cadaveric specimens using active motion tracking, and tensile and compression analyses. Post-project, Lacey had the chance to work with multiple surgeons and students on projects within the lab, including simulated micromotion of shoulder implants, and hip implant cement pullout forces. She worked alongside some amazing students and with an excellent leadership team!
Lacey's LinkedIn Profile | email:

Laura Monk
Laura was involved in the Dental Implant Fixation Testing project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the winter 2019 semester.
Michael Baril
Michael was involved in the Quantifying Variances in the 3D Printed iGuide for Hip Resurfacing project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the Winter 2021 semester.
Lauren Windover (she/her)
BASc in Biomechanical Engineering (candidate) | Queen's University
During her time at the Bone and Joint Biomechanics Lab, Lauren assisted professors and graduate students in their work. Her primary focus was on a bone core experiment, testing efficacy of 3D printed trabecular bone cores in modeling real bone behavior. After her summer at the BJB Lab, Lauren continued with her undergraduate studies and upon completing third year, secured a 16-month internship in aerospace and defense VAVE (value analysis / value engineering) with Celestica in Toronto. Lauren looks forward to seeing where her career takes her post-graduation.
Lauren 's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Lawrence Torkan
Michael Solomon
Michael was involved in the Morphological Analysis in Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the Winter 2024 semester.
Nicole Osayande
Nicole was involved in the Design of iGuide for Hip Resurfacing Surgery project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the summer of 2020.
Roxolana Smyk (she/her)
BASc in Biomechanical Engineering (candidate) | Queen's University
Roxolana is evaluating the effects of loading on trabecular bone geometry through finite element analysis (FEA) and mechanical testing. She is also performing analysis of osteoarthritic femoral heads under walking loading conditions.
Roxolana's LinkedIn Profile | email:
Shenyi Ro
Shenyi was involved in the Four-point Bend Testing of Bone Surrogate project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the summer of 2019.
Suzan Ozgur
Suzan was involved in the Antibiotic Loaded Bone Cement Porosity Measurement project as an undergraduate student in the Q-BJB Lab during the winter 2019 semester.
Tarek Issa
MASc Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Biomedical Engineering | Queen's University
Tarek completed the Master of Applied Science at Queen's University with a thesis project on the Modelling and Development of Material Models for Rigid Polyurethane (PU) Foam, a Bone Surrogate Candidate.