Surface-confined formation and characterization of molecular-based low-dimensional (0D/1D/2D) materials at nanoscale


Tuesday July 11, 2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Event Category

Maryam Ebrahimi
Assistant Professor & Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials
Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics (Adjunct)
Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada

E-mail:; Webpage:


The chemical phenomena taking place at surfaces and interfaces include physisorption, chemisorption, catalytic and surface-mediated reactions, which can be utilized to design molecular-based low-dimensional materials with tailored properties.1-12

The molecules’ functional groups and the reactivity and crystallinity of substrates control the molecule-molecule and molecule-substrate interactions. Together with the temperature and molecular flux of the reactants, these factors steer the design, growth dimension, and structure, hence, the chemical and electronic properties of the obtained nanostructures. I will present combined experimental-computational studies on the formation of molecular-based low-dimensional materials, including zero-, one- and two-dimensional (0D/1D/2D) covalent structures, including polymers, metal-organic networks, and molecular assembly on single crystal surfaces. To identify their chemical nature, topography, and electronic properties, we employ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy. Complemented with ab initio theoretical calculations, these studies provide insights on the surface reaction pathways and indicate on controlling the parameters which could lead to the formation of 1D and 2D materials with long-range ordering. These low-dimensional materials are tailored to exhibit unique structural design, electronic properties, and charge mobility, some with stable electron spin site, suitable for carbon-based nanoelectronics, spintronics, and quantum technology applications.


[1] M. Ebrahimi, F. Rosei, Nature 542 (2017) 423-424

[2] M. Ebrahimi, F. Rosei, Nat. Photonics 10 (2016) 434-436

[3] M. Ebrahimi, Nat. Chem. 14 (2022) 3-4

[4] G. Galeotti et al., Nat. Mater. 19 (2020) 874-880

[5] G. Galeotti et al., Faraday Discuss. 204 (2017) 453-469

[6] F. De Marchi et al., Nanoscale 10 (2018) 16721-16729

[7] G. Galeotti et al., Chem. Sci. 10 (2019) 5167-5175

[8] C. Jing et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 58 (2019) 18948-18956

[9] P. Ji et al., Small 16 (2020) 2002393

[10] N. Cao et al., Nanoscale 13 (2021) 19884-19889

[11] D. Cui et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 139 (2017) 16732-16740

[12] M. Ebrahimi et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 133 (2011) 16560-16565


Dr. Ebrahimi obtained her PhD in Physical Chemistry – Surface Science from the University of Waterloo in 2009, followed by Postdoctoral research with Nobel Laureate John Polanyi at the University of Toronto, and at the University of California - Riverside (2011-2013). Afterwards, she worked as a Research Associate at the INRS - Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications (INRS-EMT) Research Center (2014-2018) in Varennes, Quebec, and at the Technical University of Munich, Germany (2018-2019). In 2019, Dr. Ebrahimi was appointed as Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Low-Dimensional Nanomaterials at Lakehead University. Dr. Ebrahimi’s current research focuses on the on-surface formation of molecular-based, metal-organic, and inorganic 1D and 2D materials. These low-dimensional materials are tailored to exhibit unique electronic properties and charge mobility, with interest for carbon-based nanoelectronics, spintronics, and quantum technology applications.


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