- Sloan Press Release (2025, Feb.) 2025 Sloan Research Fellows Announced.
- Queen's Gazette (2025, Feb.) Queen's physics researcher earns 2025 Sloan Research Fellowship.
- Queen's Gazette (2024, Nov.) Queen’s announces 16 Canada Research Chairs.
- Science News SN 10 • Science News (2024, Sep.) 10 early-career scientists tackling some of the biggest problems of today.
- RSC Press Release (2024, Sep.) The Royal Society of Canada Announces its 2024 Cohort of Fellows and College Members.
- Queen's Gazette (2024, Sep.) Queen's celebrates newest inductees to the Royal Society of Canada.
- Quanta Magazine (2024, May) AI Needs Enormous Computing Power. Could Light-Based Chips Help?
- Queen’s Gazette (2024, May) Building Canada’s Future Tech Workforce.
- Photonics Spectra (2024, Apr.) The Neuromorphic Photonics Roadmap — With Paul Prucnal and Bhavin Shastri.
- Queen’s Gazette (2024, Mar.) Ontario Government Invests in Queen’s Research.
- Photonics.com (2024, Mar.) Photonics West 2024: Notable Trends and an Excursion.
- Light: Science & Applications. News & Views. (2024, Feb.) Demixing microwave signals using system-on-chip photonic processor.
- Phys.org (2024, Jan.) Team develops a real-time photonic processor with picosecond latency for dynamic RF interference.
- Communications of the ACM (2023, Jul.) Accelerating Optical Communications with AI.
- Aether (2023, Feb.) Neuromorphic Photonics: Making neuromorphic photonics practical.
- Newswise • Eurekalert • GW Media Relations • ScienceDaily (2022, Nov.) Teaching photonic chips to learn.
- Curiosity Creates (2022, Sep.) A researcher of photonics, Bhavin Shastri aims to redesign computing as we know it.
- Queen’s Gazette (2022, May) Inspired by the human brain.
- CMC Microsystems Success Story (2022, May) Hardware designs inspired by the human brain.
- SPIE (2022, Jan.) Bhavin Shastri: The 2022 SPIE Early Career Achievement Award – Academic Focus.
- TechXplore (2022, Jan.) A silicon photonic-electronic neural network that could enhance submarine transmission systems.
- Optics & Photonics News (2021, June) Tutorial–A photonic neuron.
- ExplainingComputers Youtube Video (2021, May) Photonic Neuromorphic Computing: The Future of AI?
- Queen’s Gazette (2021, Mar.) Celebrating teaching awards together.
- Nature Photonics Editorial (2021, Feb.) Rise of the learning machines.
- Queen’s Gazette (2021, Feb.) Computers powered by light and brain networks.
- Phys.org • University of Exeter • Science Daily • Novus Light (2021, Jan.) New study investigates photonics for artificial intelligence and neuromorphic computing.
- ICO Newsletter (2021, Jan.) ICO-IUPAP Prize to Neuromorphic Photonics.
- Vector Institute News (Dec. 2020) Vector welcomes 2020 cohort of Faculty Affiliates.
- Optics & Photonics News (2020, June) Optical Neural Networks.
- SPIE. (2020, Feb.) Photonic Chips for Neuromorphic Computing.
- Queen's Gazette. (2019, Sep.) Funding on the Cutting Edge.
- The Optical Society. (2019, May) Interview with OSA during CLEO19. Here are short vignettes where Bhavin talks about his research and students, inspiration, and diversity.
- TechXplore. (2019, July) A Method to Reduce the Number of Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks.
- Queen's Gazette. (2019, July) Research for a Safer Canada.
- Queen's Gazette. (2019, Mar.) Building Research Infrastructure.
- Optics & Photonics News. (2018, Jan.) Neuromorphic Photonics.
- Science. (2017, June) Computer Chip Mimics Human Brain, with Light Beams for Neurons; also in SingularityHub.
- Laser Focus World. (2017, July) Neurophotonics: Photonics Demonstrate Brainlike Behavior Useful in Machine Learning.
- MIT Technology Review. (2016, Nov.) Silicon Photonic Neural Network Unveiled; also in Evolving Science and ExtremeTech.
- IEEE Spectrum. (2016, Jan.) Graphene Flakes Make Laser Neuron Superfast.
- National Science Foundation (NSF). (2015, July) Discovery—Innovations from the Wild World of Optics and Photonics; also in Phys.org.
- National Science Foundation (NSF) International Year of Light Campaign. (2015, April) Year of Light: Computer Processor Based on the Brain Uses Light to Transmit Signals.
- IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter. (2014, June) Research Highlights—Photonic Spike Processing: Ultrafast Laser Neurons and an Integrated Photonic Network.
- News at Princeton, Science & Technology Story. (2014, Mar.) Inaugural Dean for Research Innovation Funds inspire bold directions.
- Princeton Innovation Magazine. (2012, Winter) Thinking at the Speed of Light: The Photonic Neuron; Using Optical Devices to Mirror Neural Networks.
- IEEE Photonics Society Newsletter. (2011, Oct.) Careers and Awards.
- Princeton Alumni Weekly Magazine. (2011, Sep.) For students, blazing-fast lab work.
- Laser Focus World. (2011, July) Fiber-optic 'photonic neurons' to be developed in collaboration between Princeton University and Lockheed Martin.
- Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence News. (2011, July) High-speed 'Photonic neuron' devices blend fiber-optic signal processing and neuroscience.
- Phys.org • ACM TechNews • Next Big Future • News at Princeton, Science & Technology Story (2011, July) Photonic neuron may compute a billion times faster than brain circuit.
- Canadian Institute for Photonic Innovations (CIPI) Annual Report. (2009) 10 years of fostering research in photonics.