Quantum Dynamics in Random Quantum Circuits
Thursday March 2, 202312:30 pm - 1:30 pm
STI CDr. Zhi Li
Perimeter Institute
Recent progress in experiments has enabled precise control and direct investigation of the dynamics of quantum many-body systems and has motivated us to study many-body systems that are out of equilibrium.
In this talk, I will introduce the random quantum circuit as a useful framework to study universal features of many-body quantum dynamics. In particular, I will describe how to understand the effect of noise and measurements in the random quantum circuits framework. With noise, the entanglement has an "area law" bound, implying classical simulatablity. With measurements, the system shows interesting superlinear entanglement dynamics due to nonlocal effects of measurements. I will also describe the problem of quantum complexity growth in random quantum circuits.
Dr. Li is a candidate for a faculty position in Physics at Queen’s. There are several opportunities for students and faculty to meet with Dr. Li. Please sign up to meet with him during his visit Thursday and Friday, March 2,3.
Timbits, coffee, tea will be served in STI C before the colloquium