Nir Rotenberg
Associate Professor
Faculty, Condensed Matter Physics & Optics, Engineering & Applied Physics
Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy
Centre for Nanophotonics
Arts & Science
People Directory Affiliation Category
PhD(University of Toronto)
Graduate Opportunities
Prof. Rotenberg has openings for new graduate students. Please contact via email.
See Applicants for how to apply.
Research Interests
We are interested in understanding and controlling quantum light-matter interactions within nanophotonic systems, focusing on nonlinear phenomena that arise when single, solid-state quantum emitters interact with a few photons. We also explore how these effects lead to novel or improved quantum devices and circuits.
Selected Publications
- A. Brooks, X.-L. Chu, Z. Liu, R. Schott, A. Ludwig, A.D. Wieck, L. Midolo, P. Lodahl and N. Rotenberg, An integrated whispering-gallery-mode resonator for solid-state coherent quantum photonics, Nano Letters 21, 8707 (2021)
- H. Le Jeannic, T. Ramos, S.F. Simonsen, T. Pregnolato, Z. Liu, R. Schott, A.D. Wieck, A. Ludwig, N. Rotenberg, J. García-Ripoll and P. Lodahl, Experimental reconstruction of the few-photon nonlinear scattering matrix from a single quantum dot in a nanophotonic waveguide, Physical Review Letters 126, 023603 (2021)
- X.-L. Chu, T. Pregnolato, R. Schott, A.D. Wieck, A. Ludwig, N. Rotenberg and P. Lodahl, Lifetimes and quantum efficiencies of quantum dots deterministically positioned in photonic crystal waveguides, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2000026 (2020)
- T. Pregnolato, X.-L. Chu, T. Schröder, R. Schott, A.D. Wieck, A. Ludwig, P. Lodahl and N. Rotenberg, Deterministic positioning of nanophotonic waveguides around single self-assembled quantum dots, APL Photonics 5, 086101 (2020)
- [Review] P. Türschmann, H. Le Jeannic, S.F. Simonsen, H.R. Haakh, S. Götzinger, V. Sandoghdar, P. Lodahl and N. Rotenberg, Coherent nonlinear optics of quantum emitters in nanophotonic waveguides, Nanophotonics 8, 1641-1657 (2019)
- D.M. Cano, H.R. Haakh, and N. Rotenberg, Chiral emission into nanophotonic resonators, ACS Photonics 6, 961-966 (2019)
- B. le Feber, J.E. Sipe, L. Kuipers, and N. Rotenberg, A full vectorial mapping of nanophotonic near fields , Light, Science & Applications 8, 28 (2019)
- H. Thyrrestrup, G. Kiršanskė, H. Le Jeannic, T. Pregnolato, L. Zhai, L. Raahauge, L. Midolo, N. Rotenberg, A. Javadi, R. Schott, A, D. Wieck, A. Ludwig, M. C. Löbl, I. Söllner, R. J. Warburton, and P. Lodahl, Quantum optics with nearlifetime-limited quantum-dot transitions in a nanophotonic waveguide, Nano Letters 18, 18011806 (2018)
- P. Türschmann, N. Rotenberg, J. Renger, I. Harder, O. Lohse, T. Utikal, S. Götzinger and V. Sandoghdar, Chipbased all-optical control of single molecules coherently coupled to a nanoguide, Nano Letters 17, 49414945 (2017)
- B. le Feber, N. Rotenberg, and L. Kuipers, Nanophotonic control of circular dipole emission, Nature Communications 6, 6695 (2015)
- C. Liu, R. van der Wel, N. Rotenberg, L. Kuipers, T. F. Krauss, A. di Falco, A. Fratalocchi, Triggering extreme events at the nanoscale in photonic seas, Nature Physics 11, 358-363 (2015)
- [Review] N. Rotenberg and L. Kuipers, Mapping nanoscale light fields, Nature Photonics 8, 919-926 (2014)
- B. le Feber, N. Rotenberg, D. M. Beggs, and L. Kuipers, Simultaneous measurement of nanoscale electric and magnetic optical fields, Nature Photonics 8, 43-46 (2014)