At the graduate student reception on October 2nd, the recipients of the Malcolm Stott Teaching Assistant Awards were announced! Congratulations to the winners and co-runner ups!
The winner in the Fall 2018 term was Keir Darling, with two co-runner ups, Ananthan Karunakaran and Matt Stukel.
In the Winter 2019 term, the winner was Liz Fletcher, while the runner up was Chelsea Carlson.
Congratulations again to the winners and the runner ups for all their hard work!
Undergraduate students in Physics or Engineering Physics courses who feel that their TA is outstanding are strongly encouraged to nominate them. For more information on this award and/or to nominate a TA in the current term, please use the nomination form. Nomination form will be available late October. Nominations must be received by the last day of classes in the given term.

Congratulations to the runner-ups Ananthan Karunakaran and Matt Stukel pictured here with Prof. Rob Knobel (middle). (Photo credit: Prof. James Fraser)

Congratulations to runner up Chelsea Carlson pictured here with Prof. Rob Knobel. (Photo credit: Prof. James Fraser)