Group News

  • Sep. 2023-Congratulations to Dongze on his successful Ph.D. dissertation defense
  • Apr. 2022-Congratulations to Abhishake on his promotion to the Ph.D. program
  • Aug. 2022-Congratulations to Chaobei on his successful M.Sc. thesis defense
  • May 2022-Congratulations to Sirius on his being awarded the Governor General's Academic Gold Medal for outstanding Ph.D. research
  • Dec. 2021-Congratulations to Sirius on his successful Ph.D. dissertation defense
  • Apr. 2021-Congratulations to Kiran on her successful M.A.Sc. thesis defense
  • Apr. 2020-Congratulations to Dongze on his promotion to the Ph.D. program
  • May 2017-Congratulations to Faleh on his being awarded the Governor General's Academic Gold Medal for outstanding Ph.D. research
  • Apr. 2017-Congratulations to Faleh on his successful Ph.D. dissertation defense