
New paper with Peter Micher’s group published in New Journal of Physics:- Probing the transition from dressed states to the AC Stark effect in cavity-driven quantum dot-micropillar systems, New J. Phys 18, 123031 (2016).

Time-delayed quantum coherent Pyragas feedback control of photon squeezing in a degenerate parametric oscillator, Phys Rev A, 94, 023806 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1603.07137

New paper on quantum dot chains and waveguide cavity-QED in waveguides published in Optica: Gerasimos Angelatos, Stephen Hughes, Polariton waveguides from a quantum dot chain in a nanowire photonic crystal: an architecture for waveguide QED, Optica 3, 370 (2016)

New paper on polaron master equation theory of pulse-driven inversion and single photon emission published in Physical Review B: Ross Manson, Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, and Stephen Hughes, Polaron master equation theory of pulse driven phonon-assisted population inversion and single photon emission from quantum dot excitons, Phys. Rev. B. Phys. Rev. B 93, 155423 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1512.07865

New paper with Peter Michler’s group published in Physical Review B: Fabian Hargart, Markus Muller, Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, Simone Luca Portalupi, Christian Schneider, Sven Hofling, Martin Kamp, Stephen Hughes, Peter Michler, Cavity-enhanced simultaneous dressing of quantum dot exciton and biexciton states, Phys. Rev. B 93, 115308 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1509.03861

New paper on resonance fluorescence with quantum dots in photonic crystal waveguides published in Physical Review B: Kaushik Roy-Choudhury, Nishan Mann, Ross Manson and Stephen Hughes, Resonance fluorescence spectra from semiconductor quantum dots coupled to slow-light photonic crystal waveguides, Phys Rev B, 93, 245421 (2016), e-print: arXiv:1603.02984

New paper with Antonio Badolato and Nick Vamivakas published in Optics Express: T. Malhotra, R.-C. Ge, M. Kamandar Dezfouli, A. Badolato, N. Vamivakas, and S. Hughes, Quasinormal mode theory and design of on-chip single photon emitters in photonic crystal coupled-cavity waveguides, Optics Express, 24, 13574 (2016).

Steve is elected a Fellow of the Optical Society of America.

Nishan Mann wins one of the annual TA awards – congratulates Nishan!

Group competes at Wolfe Island classic run.

Simon Axelrod wins Canadian University Physics Exam (placing first in Canada!)


New quantum optics paper on plasmon coupled quantum dots published in Physical Review B: Rong-Chun Ge and Stephen Hughes, Quantum dynamics of two quantum dots coupled through localized plasmons: an intuitive and accurate quantum optics approach using quasinormal modes, e-print: arXiv:1505.02175 (2015), Phys. Rev. B. 92, 205420 (2015).

New detailed theory paper (22 pages!) on the emission spectrum from quantum dots published in Physical Review B: K. Roy-Choudhury and S. Hughes, Quantum theory of light emission from quantum dots coupled to structured photonic reservoirs and acoustic phonons, Phys. Rev. B 92, 205406 (2015). e-print: arXiv:1504.03356

New paper with Philip Kristensen on quasinormal mode normalization published in Physical Review A: P. T. Kristensen, R. Ge, and S. Hughes, Normalization of quasinormal modes in leaky optical cavities and plasmonic resonators, Phys. Rev. A 92, 053810 (2015). e-print: arXiv:1501.05938

New paper with U. Bristol group on spin photon entanglers and chiral quantum effects in photon crystal waveguides published in Physical Review Letters, and selected for the Editors Choice. 

Gerry Angelatos successfully defends his Masters 1 year early (!), as the first student to pass through our elite accelerated masters program. Congratulations Gerry and good luck at Princeton for the PhD! Check his his cool thesis work on quantum dots in nanowire photonic crystals.

Group competes at Wolfe Island classic.

New paper with Peter Lodah’s group published in Physical Review A: Nishan Mann, Alisa Javadi, P.D. Garcia, Peter Lodahl, Stephen Hughes, Theory and experiments of disorder-induced resonance shifts and mode edge broadening in deliberately disordered photonic crystal waveguides, e-print: arXiv:1505.02836 (2015), Phys. Rev. A 92, 023849 (2015).

New paper published with George Hanson’s group published in Optics Express: S. Ali Hassani Gangaraj, Andrei Nemilentsau, George W. Hanson, Stephen Hughes, Transient and steady-state entanglement mediated by three-dimensional plasmonic waveguides, Optics Express 23, 22330-22346 (2015).

New paper on anharmonic quantum dot cavity-QED published in Optica: E. Illes, C. Roy, and S. Hughes, Spectral multiphoton effects and quantum anharmonicities in dissipative cavity-QED systems via off-resonant coherent excitation, Optica 8, 689 (2015).

Steve gives a public lecture as part of one of the Queen’s Prizes for Excellence in Research.

Viewpoint article with Howard Carmichael in the APS Physics forum explain how phonons and crystal vibrations can invert a single quantum dot exciton! 

New paper on entangled two quantum dots in a photonic crystal waveguide published in Physical Review A Rapid Communications: Gerasimos Angelatos and Stephen Hughes, Entanglement dynamics and Mollow nonuplets between two coupled quantum dots in a nanowire photonic-crystal system, e-print: arXiv:1411.4628 (2015), Phys Rev A Rapid Communications 91, 051803(R).



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