Macleod, Alistair M.
Professor Emeritus
Manning, Dolleen Tisawii’ashii
Assistant Professor, QNS, Anishinaabe Knowledge, Language and Culture
McMullin, Jessica
Ph.D. Student
Mercier, Adèle
Associate Professor
Miller, Jon
Mohsen Samiee Zafarghandi
Visiting Scholar
Moore, Margaret
Professor (Political Studies)
Political Studies, Philosophy
Morgan Wark
M.A. Student
Mozersky, Joshua
Professor and Former Canada Research Chair
Murty, Ram
A. V. Douglas Distinguished University Professor and Queen's Research Chair
Mathematics, Philosophy
Overall, Christine
Professor Emerita, Queen’s University Research Chair
Paul, Elliot Samuel
Prado, Carlos
Emeritus Professor
Pratt, Michael
Associate Professor (Law)
Law, Philosophy
Ruwe, Dalitso
Assistant Professor of Black Political Thought
Philosophy, Political Studies
Salay, Nancy
Continuing Associate Professor
Philosophy, School of Computing
Schipper, Adam
Ph.D. Candidate
Schüklenk, Udo
Professor and Ontario Research Chair in Bioethics
Serrin Rutledge-Prior
Postdoctoral Fellow
Sharma, Alisha