This website has been developed to support students, instructors, TAs, and support staff in their use of onQ, the Queen's Learning Management System (LMS).

For Students
- Start with For Students - Getting Started to learn how to access your course.
- Use the onQ tutorials located in Content for Students,
Communication for Students, and
Assessment for Students to assist you in your course.

For Instructors
- Start with Create a Course in For Instructors - Getting Started to prepare your course in onQ.
- Use the onQ tutorials located in Content, Communication, and Assessment to assist you in building your course.

For TAs and Support Staff
- To learn how to help students perform common tasks in onQ go to For Students.
- To assist instructors in setting up their course go to For Instructors.
- To help instructors Send their Grades to Peoplesoft go to Grades.