***Funding for NEDSAC ended in 2012 and this site is no longer being updated.
Ouellette-Kuntz H, Coo H, Lam M, Breitenbach MM, Hennessey PE, Jackman PD, Lewis MES, Dewey D, Bernier FP, Chung AM. The changing prevalence of autism in three regions of Canada. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2013; doi:10.1007/s10803-013-1856-1.
Ouellette-Kuntz H, Coo H, Yu CT, Lewis ME, Dewey D, Hennessey PE, Jackman PD, Breitenbach MM, Holden JJ. Status Report — National Epidemiologic Database for the Study of Autism in Canada (NEDSAC). Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada 2012;32:84-89.
Coo H, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Lam M, Yu CT, Dewey D, Bernier FP, Chudley AE, Hennessey PE, Breitenbach MM, Noonan AL, Lewis ME, Holden JJ. Correlates of age at diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in six Canadian regions. Chronic Diseases and Injuries in Canada 2012;32:90-100.
Ouellette-Kuntz HMJ, Coo H, Lam M, Yu CT, Breitenbach MM, Hennessey PE, Holden JJA, Brown HK, Noonan AL, Gauthier RB, Crews LR. Age at diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in four regions of Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health 2009;100:268-273.
Coo H, Ouellette-Kuntz H, Lloyd JEV, Kasmara L, Holden JJA, Lewis MES. Trends in autism prevalence: diagnostic substitution revisited.Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2008;38:1036-1046.
Ouellette-Kuntz H, Coo H, Lloyd JEV, Kasmara L, Holden JJA, Lewis MES. Trends in special education code assignment for autism: implications for prevalence estimates. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 2007;37:1941-1948.
Ouellette-Kuntz H, Coo H, Yu CT, Chudley AE, Noonan A, Breitenbach M, Ramji N, Prosick T, Bedard A, Holden JJA. Prevalence of pervasive developmental disorders in two Canadian provinces. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 2006;3:164-172.