James A. Mingo


Office: Jeffery Hall, Rm. 404
Phone: (613) 533-2444
Email: james.mingo@queensu.ca
Website: mast.queensu.ca/~mingo
Research: Free probability, random matrices, operator algebras

Degrees & Accolades:

Ph.D. (Dalhousie University)

Research Profile:

Random matrices are matrices with random entries. The eigenvalue distribution of random matrices are widely used in statistics, physics, mathematical finance, wireless communications, as well as many areas of mathematics.

Free independence is a new kind of independence that is especially useful for studying random matrices. Free probability, while running in parallel with classical probability, constantly surprises us with new twists on the old theory.

As this is a very new subject there are many simple questions that are just waiting to be investigated. I am currently recruiting graduate students.