Fatemeh Mohammadi (Ghent University)
Monday November 1, 20214:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Online via ZoomAlgebra & Geometry Seminar
Monday, November 1st, 2021
Time: 4:30 p.m. Place: Online via Zoom (contact Kaveh Mousavand for Zoom link)
Speaker: Fatemeh Mohammadi (Ghent University)
Title: Toric degenerations of Grassmannians and combinatorial mutations of their associated polytopes
Abstract: Many toric degenerations of the Grassmannians Gr(2, n) are described by trees, or equivalently subdivisions of polygons. These degenerations can be also seen to arise from the cones of the tropicalization of the Grassmannian. In this talk, I focus on particular combinatorial types of cones in tropical Grassmannians indexed by matching fields, whose corresponding degenerations are toric. Moreover, I will show how their associated polytopes are connected by combinatorial mutations. I will present several combinatorial conjectures and computational challenges around this problem.
Website details here: https://mast.queensu.ca/~georep/