Charles Paquette (RMC & Queen's University)
Monday September 27, 20214:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Online via ZoomAlgebra & Geometry Seminar
Monday, September 27th, 2021
Time: 4:30 p.m. Place: Online via Zoom (contact Kaveh Mousavand for Zoom link)
Speaker: Charles Paquette (Royal Military College & Queen's University)
Title: Simple representations over free products of semi-simple algebras via quivers.
Abstract: This is a report on joint work with Andrew Buchanan, Ivan Dimitrov, Olivia Grace, David Wehlau and Tianyuan Xu. We consider a free product $A$ of semi-simple $\mathbb{K}$-algebras over an algebraically closed field and show how representation theory of a suitable finite acyclic quiver $Q$ can be used to understand the representation theory of $A$. In particular, we show that the simple $A$-modules correspond to stable representations of $Q$ for some stability parameter. We apply this to the representation theory of free products of finite groups.
Website details here: